Alto-Shaam EC2SYS-96/PL, EC2-48/P, EC2SYS-96/PR OP ER Ating Instru Ctio NS, Operat ING Proced Ures

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Halo Heat display cases maintain a consta nt but gentle temperature and elimin ate much of the moisture loss associated with conventional display cases. Because of this gentle heat, it is not necessary to add water to the display case. As a matter of fact, adding water is not recommended since water will accelerate the deterioration of the product, and may damage the unit voiding the warranty.



Refe r to the pan lay out diagrams for different typ es of pan accommoda tio ns. A complete pan con figuration layout is loc ated in this manual. It is VERY important to not e, no matter what type of pan configur ation chos en, pan separato r bars or divider bars must be used to close all gaps bet wee n pans, and all gaps bet ween the pans and the edges of the dis play case. If these gaps are not closed , heat will esc ape from the bot tom of the case into the display area . As a conseque nce, heat distr ibu tion will be uneven and uniform tempe rature wil l be diff icu lt to hold. If nee ded , add itional pan divider bar s are availab le. The suppli ed self-serve pan ins ert s with wire grids are for use with pre-pac kaged foods in the self- ser ve sec tions of the units.



A indicator light will illum inate when the thermostat(s) is (are) turn ed “ON.” The indicat or(s) will remain lit as long as the unit is prehe ating or calling for heat . The unit sho uld be prehe ated at the 10 setting for a minimu m of

30-45 minutes before load ing the case wit h hot food. When preheating is completed , or whenever the unit reaches any tempera ture set by the oper ator between 1 and 10, the ind icato r light( s) wil l go “OUT”.


Be certain only hot food is tra nsferred into the dis play case. Before loa ding food into the case, use a pock et-ty pe meat ther mom eter to make certa in all produc ts have reached an internal tempe rature of 140 ° to 160° F (60° to 71°C). If any food produ ct is not at proper servin g temper ature, use a Halo Heat cooking and hold ing oven, set at 250° to 275°F (121° to 135°C), or a Com bithe rm ove n to bring the produc t with in the correct tempe rature rang e.

￿Use hand prot ection when handling hot items.

￿Be cer tain only hot PREPACKAG ED foo ds in appr opr iate heat tested container s are used in the sel f-service section of the display case.

Do not stack food conta iners .￿


Aft er all product s are loaded into the dis play case and the doo rs are closed , it is necessary to reset the thermos tat(s). For fully enclo sed sections, reset the thermos tat to the number “8” setting. Cases with a self-se rvice secti on shoul d be maintained between number “9” and number “10” for the

sel f-se rvice section onl y. THESE SET TING S WILL NOT NECES SARI LY BE FINAL. Since proper temperature range dep ends on the type of products and the quantities being held, it is necessa ry to periodi cally use a poc ket

thermo meter to check each item to make certa in the correct temperatures are being maintai ned. Proper temperature range is between a minimum of 140° and 160°F (60° and 71°C). Nor mal ly, thi s will require a thermos tat setting of between number “6” and “8” in fully enclo sed cases. Sel f- ser vice cases or sect ions will always requi re a higher thermost at setting.


If the unit is equipped with the prob e acces sory, wipe each probe and probe tip with a dis pos abl e alcoh ol pad to clean and sanitize befo re using. If the probe is left in its bracke t, the LED temperature dis play will indicate the ambient air temperature inside the case. To place a probe into food kept in the case, remove the prob e from the bra cket and push the probe tip halfw ay into the product, posi tioning the tip at the center of the food mass. If placin g into soli d foods such as meat roast or pou ltry breasts, push the probe in from a straight dow nward posit ion or in from the side to the center posit ion. If placi ng into a

sem i-liq uid or liq uid produ ct, the prob e cabl e will probably need to be secured to keep the probe pos ition ed properly. Do not let the probe tip

tou ch the edges or side s. Tape the probe cabl e to the lip or edge of the con tainer. Wipe each probe tip with a cle an paper towe l to remove food debri s after each use. Fol low by wiping probes with a disp osa ble alcoh ol pad, and return each probe to the proper bracket position .


Keep hot foods looki ng fresh. Occasio nal ly sti r or rota te food as needed . Serve food products in appropriate heat tested packages or contai ners. Keep dis play case doors close d afte r serving. Wipe spi lls immedia tely to assure max imum eye appeal and to ease end of the day clean up.

EC 2 & EC 2SYS Ser ies Oper ati on & Care Manual • 8

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Contents INS Tallation OperationMainte NAN CE Unpack I NG Deli VerySafety Proc Edures Preca UTI ONS WA RningAU TI on Stal Lation AU TIO NSIT E Inst Allation LevelingINS TAL LAT ION SI TE Inst Alla TionEC2 & EC2S YS SE RIE S EC2-48 EC2SYS-48 Series EL Ectric AL Conne CT IONEC2 & EC2 SYS Series OP Tion S & ACC ESS Ories Opera Ting INS Tructio NS Warnin GUser SAF ETY in Forma TIO N STA RT-U P OPE RAT IONOperat ING Proced Ures OP ER Ating Instru Ctio NSPAN CO NFI Guration S H Eate D DI SPL AY C Ases OD ELS 10026 19 1000544 1002585 GEN Eral Hold ING Guid Elines Care and Cleaning CA UtionLeaning and PR Eventi VE MAI Ntenance CAR E AN D Cleanin WA RN in GCA UTI on Sanita TIO N NI TationCoun TE R TOP Front View EC2 -9 6 SH OW N Serv IC EINN ER TOP AS SE MBL Y EC2- 96 Shown SE RviceLower Rear Panel Coun TE R TOP BAC K EC 2- 96 SH OWNCoun TE R TOP Bottom EC2 96 SH OWN Coun TE R TOP Well Assembly EC2- 96 SHO WN Coun TE R TOP Well Assembly E C2S YS-9 6 SH OW N DA NG ER EC2 & EC2SY S Seri es Oper at ion & Care Manual EC 2 & EC 2SYS Ser ies Oper ati on & Care Manual EC2 & EC2SY S Seri es Oper at ion & Care Manual EC 2 & EC 2SYS Ser ies Oper ati on & Care Manual EC2 & EC2SY S Seri es Oper at ion & Care Manual EC 2 & EC 2SYS Ser ies Oper ati on & Care Manual EC2 & EC2SY S Seri es Oper at ion & Care Manual EC 2 & EC 2SYS Ser ies Oper ati on & Care Manual EC2 & EC2SY S Seri es Oper at ion & Care Manual Limited

EC2SYS-96/PL, EC2SYS-48/P, EC2-96/PR, EC2-72/PL, EC2-72/PR specifications

The Alto-Shaam EC2 series of hybrid cook and hold ovens revolutionizes the food service industry by combining advanced cooking technologies with outstanding performance and efficiency. Models like EC2-48/P, EC2SYS-96/PR, EC2-96/PL, EC2SYS-72/PL, and EC2SYS-72/PR are designed to meet the diverse challenges faced by modern kitchens while ensuring the highest quality results.

One of the standout features of the EC2 series is its unique combination of hold and cook capabilities. The ovens utilize a combination of convection and steam to create the perfect environment for cooking a wide range of foods while also promoting moisture retention. This results in dishes that are consistently flavorful, tender, and succulent. With precise temperature control, chefs can cook items to perfection, ensuring consistent results every time.

Another hallmark of the EC2 series is its user-friendly digital control system. The intuitive interface easily allows operators to set precise cooking times and temperatures, while also providing a wealth of built-in cooking presets for popular dishes. This feature reduces the skill gap in the kitchen and enhances productivity by making it simple to achieve complex recipes with minimal training.

The EC2 series also stands out for its efficiency and design. Engineered for energy conservation, these ovens utilize less electricity than traditional cooking methods, helping to reduce operational costs and environmental impact. The compact design allows them to fit seamlessly into various kitchen layouts without sacrificing capacity or functionality.

Additionally, the robust construction and high-quality materials of the Alto-Shaam EC2 ovens ensure durability and longevity. With features like triple-pane glass doors, advanced insulation, and easy-to-clean interiors, these ovens are built to withstand the rigors of daily use while remaining easy to maintain.

Lastly, advanced safety features are incorporated into the design. The ovens come with safety interlocks and alarms that alert operators to any potential issues, ensuring a secure cooking environment. With these safety measures, employees can confidently operate the ovens, knowing they adhere to industry standards.

In summary, the Alto-Shaam EC2-48/P, EC2SYS-96/PR, EC2-96/PL, EC2SYS-72/PL, and EC2SYS-72/PR models provide a versatile, efficient, and user-friendly solution for commercial kitchens. Their innovative cooking technology, energy efficiency, and durable construction make them an excellent choice for chefs who demand quality and consistency in their culinary creations.