Alto-Shaam EC2SYS-72/PL, EC2-48/P, EC2SYS-96/PR, EC2-96/PL, EC2SYS-72/PR, EC2-72/PR, EC2-72/PL Limited

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All Alto-Shaam equipment


Alto -Shaam,

Inc . war rants to the origina l purcha ser that any


is sold F.O.B. shipping

original part that is found

to be defective in mater ial or workman ship


point, and when accepted

will, at Alto-Shaa m's opti on, subje ct to provisions hereinaf ter stat ed, be


by the carrier, such

replace d with a new or rebuilt part.





shipments become the


The labor warranty remains in effect one (1) yea r from install ation


or fifteen

(15) months from the ship ping date , whichev er occ urs first.


property of the consignee.

Alto-Shaam will bear norma l labor charges performed

during stan dard


Should damage occur in shipment, it is a matter

business hours,

and exclud ing overti me, hol iday rate s or any


additiona l fees.









between the carrier and the consignee. In such cases, the


The parts warranty remains in effect for one (1) year from

carrier is assumed to be responsible for the safe delivery

installa tion or fifteen (15 ) months

from the shipping


whiche ver

of the merchandise, unless negligence can be established

occurs first.





on Halo Heat® cook/hold ove ns

on the part of the shipper.



Howe ver, the heating element


Make an immediate inspection while the equipment

and the refrige ration com pressor on Alto-Shaa m Quickc hillers are


for a period of five (5) years from insta llation.

The labor


is still in the truck or immediately after it is moved to


is the same as stated abo ve; nam ely, for one (1) year from


installa tion or fifteen (15 ) months

from the shipping


whiche ver


the receiving area. Do not wait until after the

occurs first.










material is moved to a storage area.





2. Do not sign a delivery receipt or a freight bill until


Cal ibration.



bulbs and /or the replacem ent of display


you have made a proper count and inspection of all


Rep lacemen t of light


merchandise received.



case gla ss due to damage of any kind .







damage caused by acciden t, shippi ng, impr oper

Note all damage to packages directly on the carrier’s


ins tallation

or alte ration.






delivery receipt.


Equipm ent used under cond itio ns of abuse, misuse, careless ness




or abnormal conditio ns including, but not limi ted to, equip ment


Make certain the driver signs this receipt. If he


subjected to harsh or inappropri ate chem icals inclu ding, but not


limite d to, compounds contain ing chlorid e or quater nary salts, poor


refuses to sign, make a notation of this refusal on


water quality, or equipm ent with missin g or altered serial numbers.


the receipt.


Damage incu rred as a direc t result of poor water quality,

5. If the driver refuses to allow inspection, write the


ina dequate

maintena nce of steam gene rators and/or sur faces


affected by water qua lity. Water quality and requir ed mai ntena nce


following on the delivery receipt:


of ste am generating equipment

is the responsibil ity of the


Dri ver ref us es to

all ow insp ecti on of


owne r/op era tor.








co ntai ne rs for

vis ib le dam ag e.

Damage cau sed by use of any cleaning agent othe r than



Alto -Shaam's

Combitherm ® Cleaner inc luding, but not limite d to,

6. Telephone the carrier’s office immediately upon


damage due to chlo rine or other harmf ul chemi cals.

Use of


Alto -Shaam's

Combitherm ® Cleaner on Combitherm

® ovens is


finding damage, and request an inspection. Mail


highl y recomm ended.








a written confirmation of the time, date, and the

7. Any losses or damage resulting from malfunction, including loss


person called.



of product or consequential or incidental damages of any kind.

7. Save any packages and packing material for further



in any manner from original

model ,


subs titution

of parts other tha n factory authorized



inspection by the carrier.



removal of any par ts includ ing legs, or addi tion of any parts .

8. Promptly file a written claim with the carrier and


This warranty is exc lusive and is in lieu of all othe r warrantie s,


or imp lied, including the implie d warrant ies of



attach copies of all supporting paperwork.

shall Alto-Shaam

be liable

for loss of use, loss of revenu e or profi t,




merchant ability

and fitness

for a particula r purpose . In no event


We will continue our policy of assisting our

or loss of produ ct, or for any ind irect or consequ ential


customers in collecting claims which have been properly

No person except an offic er of Alto -Shaam, Inc. is authori zed to modify

filed and actively pursued. We cannot, however, file any

this warra nty or to incur

on behalf

of Alto-Shaa m any other obli gat ion

damage claims for you, assume the responsibility of any

or liabil ity in connection

with Alto-Sh aam equipment.



claims, or accept deductions in payment for such claims.











Model: _______________________________________________Date Installed: __________________________________________________________

Voltage: ______________________________________________ Purchased From: _______________________________________________

Serial Number: _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________


N9221 Water

Street P.O. Box 450 Menomonee


Wisconsin 53052-0450 U.S.A.



800.558-8744 USA/CANADA


262.251.7067 • 800.329.8744 U.S.A. ONLY


P R I N T ED I N U . S . A .





Image 33
Contents INS Tallation OperationMainte NAN CE Unpack I NG Deli VerySafety Proc Edures Preca UTI ONS WA RningAU TI on Stal Lation AU TIO NSIT E Inst Allation LevelingINS TAL LAT ION SI TE Inst Alla TionEC2 & EC2S YS SE RIE S EC2-48 EC2SYS-48 Series EL Ectric AL Conne CT IONEC2 & EC2 SYS Series OP Tion S & ACC ESS Ories Opera Ting INS Tructio NS Warnin GUser SAF ETY in Forma TIO N STA RT-U P OPE RAT IONOperat ING Proced Ures OP ER Ating Instru Ctio NSPAN CO NFI Guration S H Eate D DI SPL AY C Ases OD ELS 10026 19 1000544 1002585 GEN Eral Hold ING Guid Elines Care and Cleaning CA UtionLeaning and PR Eventi VE MAI Ntenance CAR E AN D Cleanin WA RN in GCA UTI on Sanita TIO N NI TationCoun TE R TOP Front View EC2 -9 6 SH OW N Serv IC EINN ER TOP AS SE MBL Y EC2- 96 Shown SE RviceLower Rear Panel Coun TE R TOP BAC K EC 2- 96 SH OWNCoun TE R TOP Bottom EC2 96 SH OWN Coun TE R TOP Well Assembly EC2- 96 SHO WN Coun TE R TOP Well Assembly E C2S YS-9 6 SH OW N DA NG ER EC2 & EC2SY S Seri es Oper at ion & Care Manual EC 2 & EC 2SYS Ser ies Oper ati on & Care Manual EC2 & EC2SY S Seri es Oper at ion & Care Manual EC 2 & EC 2SYS Ser ies Oper ati on & Care Manual EC2 & EC2SY S Seri es Oper at ion & Care Manual EC 2 & EC 2SYS Ser ies Oper ati on & Care Manual EC2 & EC2SY S Seri es Oper at ion & Care Manual EC 2 & EC 2SYS Ser ies Oper ati on & Care Manual EC2 & EC2SY S Seri es Oper at ion & Care Manual Limited

EC2SYS-96/PL, EC2SYS-48/P, EC2-96/PR, EC2-72/PL, EC2-72/PR specifications

The Alto-Shaam EC2 series of hybrid cook and hold ovens revolutionizes the food service industry by combining advanced cooking technologies with outstanding performance and efficiency. Models like EC2-48/P, EC2SYS-96/PR, EC2-96/PL, EC2SYS-72/PL, and EC2SYS-72/PR are designed to meet the diverse challenges faced by modern kitchens while ensuring the highest quality results.

One of the standout features of the EC2 series is its unique combination of hold and cook capabilities. The ovens utilize a combination of convection and steam to create the perfect environment for cooking a wide range of foods while also promoting moisture retention. This results in dishes that are consistently flavorful, tender, and succulent. With precise temperature control, chefs can cook items to perfection, ensuring consistent results every time.

Another hallmark of the EC2 series is its user-friendly digital control system. The intuitive interface easily allows operators to set precise cooking times and temperatures, while also providing a wealth of built-in cooking presets for popular dishes. This feature reduces the skill gap in the kitchen and enhances productivity by making it simple to achieve complex recipes with minimal training.

The EC2 series also stands out for its efficiency and design. Engineered for energy conservation, these ovens utilize less electricity than traditional cooking methods, helping to reduce operational costs and environmental impact. The compact design allows them to fit seamlessly into various kitchen layouts without sacrificing capacity or functionality.

Additionally, the robust construction and high-quality materials of the Alto-Shaam EC2 ovens ensure durability and longevity. With features like triple-pane glass doors, advanced insulation, and easy-to-clean interiors, these ovens are built to withstand the rigors of daily use while remaining easy to maintain.

Lastly, advanced safety features are incorporated into the design. The ovens come with safety interlocks and alarms that alert operators to any potential issues, ensuring a secure cooking environment. With these safety measures, employees can confidently operate the ovens, knowing they adhere to industry standards.

In summary, the Alto-Shaam EC2-48/P, EC2SYS-96/PR, EC2-96/PL, EC2SYS-72/PL, and EC2SYS-72/PR models provide a versatile, efficient, and user-friendly solution for commercial kitchens. Their innovative cooking technology, energy efficiency, and durable construction make them an excellent choice for chefs who demand quality and consistency in their culinary creations.