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| ® | WARRANTY |
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| All |
| Alto | Inc . war rants to the origina l purcha ser that any origi- | |||||||||
| is sold F.O.B. shipping | nal part that is found to be defec tive in material or workma nship will, | |||||||||||
| point, and when accepted | at | sta ted, be re- | ||||||||||
| by the carrier, such ship- | placed with a new or rebu ilt part. |
| ||||||
| ments become the property |
| The labor warranty remains in effect one (1) yea r from install ation | ||||||||||
| or fifteen | (15) months from the ship ping date , whichev er occ urs first. | |||||||||||
| of the consignee. | during stan dard | |||||||||||
| Should damage occur in shipment, it is a matter be- | business hours, and exclud ing overti me, hol iday rate s or any add i- | |||||||||||
| tional fees. |
| |||||
tween the carrier and the consignee. In such cases, the |
| The parts warranty remains in effect for one (1) year from ins talla- | |||||||||||
carrier is assumed to be responsible for the safe delivery | tion | or fifteen (15 ) months from the shipping date, whichever | occ urs | ||||||||||
of the merchandise, unless negligence can be established | firs t. |
| element | on Halo Heat® cook/hold | ove ns | ||||||
on the part of the shipper. |
| Howe ver, the heating | ||||||||||
1. | Make an immediate inspection while the equipment | and the refrige ration com pressor on | |||||||||||
warranted | for a period of five (5) years | from insta llation. | The labor | ||||||||||
| is still in the truck or immediately after it is moved to | warranty | is the same as stated abo ve; nam ely, for one (1) year from in- | ||||||||||
| stallati on or fift een (15) months from the shipping date, whic heve r oc- | ||||||||||||
| the receiving area. Do not wait until after the mate- | curs | firs t. |
| ||
| rial is moved to a storage area. | THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT APPLY TO: |
| ||||||||
2. Do not sign a delivery receipt or a freight bill until | 1. | Cal ibration. |
| ||||
| you have made a proper count and inspection of all | 2. | Rep lacemen t of light bulbs and /or the replacem ent of display | ||||||||||
| merchandise received. |
| 3. | case gla ss due to damage of any kind . |
| ||||||
3. |
| Equipment damage caused by acciden t, shippi ng, impr oper ins talla- | |||||||||||
Note all damage to packages directly on the carrier’s | 4. | tio n or alte rati on. |
| |||||
| delivery receipt. |
| Equipm ent used under cond itio ns of abuse, misuse, careless ness | ||||||||||
| or abnormal conditio ns including, but not limi ted to, equip ment | ||||||||||
4. | Make certain the driver signs this receipt. If he re- |
| subjected to harsh or inappropri ate chem icals inclu ding, but not lim- | ||||||||||
| ited to, compo unds containing chlori de or quate rnary salts , poor | ||||||||||||
| fuses to sign, make a notation of this refusal on | 5. | water quality, or equipm ent with missin g or altered serial numbers. | ||||||||||
| the receipt. |
| Damage incu rred as a direc t result of poor water quality, inad e- | ||||||||||
5. If the driver refuses to allow inspection, write the fol- |
| quate mai ntenance of steam generators and/or surfaces affec ted by | |||||||||||
| water quali ty. Water qua lity and required maintena nce of stea m | ||||||||||||
| lowing on the delivery receipt: | 6. | gene rating equ ipment | is the responsibilit y of the owner/ope rator. | |||||||||
| Dri ver ref us es to | all ow insp ecti on of | Damage cau sed by use of any cleaning agent othe r than |
| |||||||||
| co ntai ne rs for | vis ib le dam ag e. |
| Alto | Combitherm ® Cleaner | inc luding, but not limite d to, | |||||||
| damage due to chlo rine or other harmf ul chemi cals. |
| Use of | |||||||||
6. Telephone the carrier’s office immediately upon find- |
| Alto | Combitherm ® Cleaner on Combitherm | ® ovens is | |||||||||
| highl y recomm ended. |
| ||||||
| ing damage, and request an inspection. Mail a writ- | 7. Any losses or damage resulting from malfunction, including loss | |||||||||||
| ten confirmation of the time, date, and the person | 8. | of product or consequential or incidental damages of any kind. | ||||||||||
| called. |
| Equipment modified in any manner from original model , sub stitu- | ||||||||||
7. Save any packages and packing material for further |
| tio n of part s other than facto ry authoriz ed parts , |
| ||||||||
| removal of any par ts includ ing legs, | or addi tion of any parts . | |||||||||||
| inspection by the carrier. |
| This warranty is exc lusive and is in lieu of all othe r warrantie s, ex- | |||||||||
8. Promptly file a written claim with the carrier and at- | pressed or impli ed, inc luding the implied warrantie s of merchant abil- | ||||||||||||
ity and fitness for a parti cular purpose. | In no event | damages. | |||||||||||
| tach copies of all supporting paperwork. | or loss of produ ct, or for any ind irect or consequ ential | |||||||||||
| shall | be liable for loss of use, loss of revenu e or profi t, | |||||||||
| We will continue our policy of assisting our cus- | No person except | an offic er of Alto | ||||||||||
tomers in collecting claims which have been properly | this warra nty or to incur | on behalf | of | ||||||||||
filed and actively pursued. We cannot, however, file any | or liabil ity in connection | with |
| ||||||||
damage claims for you, assume the responsibility of any |
| ALTO |
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claims, or accept deductions in payment for such claims. |
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Model: _______________________________________________Date Installed: __________________________________________________________
Voltage: ______________________________________________ Purchased From: _______________________________________________
Serial Number: _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
W164 | N9221 Water | Street ● P.O. Box 450 ● Menomonee | Falls, | Wisconsin |
PHONE: | 262.251.3800 | • | FAX: | 262.251.7067 • 800.329.8744 U.S.A. ONLY |
| WEBSITE: | P R I N T ED I N U . S . A . | |