Surface Cooking
Cooking Utensils
Cat iron
Excellcn~ conductor of
heat. Available in
\‘;ll’loll4 gaugt\. >
Heats uncvenlj ~mle\\ used u ith IOU heat. Holds heat. SubJect to ru4t. Used for \hlllet\ and Dutch o\ ens.
All foods. With thin gauge. cooh with some liquid.
Thicker pauges are sug-
gcsted for frying. candy. r;auces.
Suggeytcd for foods that require long, slow cooking. Use medium
Rclati\,el> poor- heat
chipping. Do not use
for | rangctop | coohlllf |
b!, the manui‘acturer.
Relati\rcl>’ poor heat conductor. Subject to chipping.
Stainle5\ steel. Plain \tainle\\ steel i\ a clad aid inner core relati\‘elj pool- heat
conductor. It I\ often combined \I ilh other material\. either- on the boltoni or in an inner core. IO impro\ e heat trunjfer. Ea\>, to clo:m.
USC for long.
Use only with larfc quanti- ties of liquid.
Plain stainIt‘{\ steel should be used onl! with large quantities of liquid. Pans ti,itli othei- metal4 can be uvzd for all cooking.
To prelent discoloring or crazing of the porcelain enamel range surface. do not u\e an extremely large pan that extend\ beyond the hurncr grate and touchex the range 4111~l‘acc.