Broiling is a method ofcoohillg foods by direct heat under the upper broil burner- of the oven. Results and cooking time\ v,ill depend on the distance between the food arid the burner.
The broiler p;m and it.4grid allou dripping fat to drain and be kept away from the high heat of the broiler. Do not USC the pan V.ithout its grid. Do not co\‘er the grid with foil. The exposed fat could ignite.
To broil:
1. Place the rsck in the desired position. close to the top of the overt. Position the rack closer to the broil burner for rare steahs.
2.Place the grid m the broiler pan. Place the meat on the grid. For best broiling
3.Turn the
4.Broil on one side until food is browned: turn and broil on the second side. Season and serve.
Should a broiler fire occur. close the broiler door and turn off the controls. If the fire continues, throw baking sod3 on the fire. DO NOT PUT
FIRE. Flour may be explosive.
Broiling Hints
lSelect meat that is tender and h;~ssome marbling of l’;\t.
lFor best results. steahs and chops should be Lit least I inch thich.
lTo keep meat from curlin,.(7 slit I‘;ltt\, edge in several placcx. Do not cut into
lTrim outer layer of fat from steaks and chops to reduce spattering.
lTurn steshs and chops only once.
lL’se tone to turn meat to control loss of juices.
. To test l?>rdoneness, cut ;i slit in the steak near the bone and chech the inside color.
#Poultrv. Fish:
lBrusjichicken and fish u,ith butter se\,eral times uhrle broiling. Other foods may 4so be brushed with butter Ltndse:isoninfs for flavor and better
lWhen broiling fish. grease the broiler grid to
;I small piece of aluminum foil. Or. LISA ;I cooking spray to lightly coat the grid before broiling. DO NOT COVCI- the broiler grid with foil.
lFish should be placed skrn side cioun. Thin fillets should not be mimed.Thich- er fish steaks should be turned once.
lPrecooked vegetables and fruit may be broiled. Add during second half of. broil time. Brush with melted butter or mar~“rme.
lTo make cleaning easier. line the bottom of the broiler pan with aluminum
foil. DO NOT cover the broiler grid with foil.
lTo prevent grease from baking on. remove the broiler pan from the oven :IS
soon ~1scooking is completed. Pour off grease.Soak pan in HOT. sudsy water.
lClean the broiler pan ;ISsoon ;is possible after each use. If necessary, usesoap- filled steel wool pads. Heavy scouring may scratch the grid.