. Destroy the carton and plastic bags after the oven is unpacked. Children might use them for play. Cartons covered with rugs. bedcpreads or plastic sheets can become airtight chambers. Remove all staples from the carton. Staple\ can cause
. Remove the oven door from any unused range if it is to be stored or discarded.
m | The following situations could cause bodily injury or prop- |
| |
| erty damage. |
lNever use the range to warm or heat the room. Ll\ins youl- range without utenils or pans to &orb the burner’\ heat risks damaging the surface and the controls.
l Wear proper apparel Hhen operating the range. Loose fitting or hanging gxirnients should nevci- be worn I\ hilt using the appliance. Be careful not to let clothing
lNe\er modify or alter the construction of the range such ~14removal of
leveling Icg. pancI5. wire covers or an!’ other permanent part of the product.
lDo not use water or flour on grease fires. Smother the fire with a pan Ild.
or uje baking Ida. ;t dr) chemical or
lUse dry potholdew WCI or damp potholder\ on hot
Do not use aluminum foil to line the oven bottom or completely cover an oven rack with foil. Improper use of aluminum toil may interfere with heat circulation and damage the range.
Stand to the side of the o\en Fvhen opening the oven door. Slowly open the door to alloa hot air or steam lo escape before removing or replacing I‘ood.
lDo not heat unopened food containers.
lKeep the oven lent unobstructed. It is located along the center back edge of the cooktop. Touchin, (7the surt‘ace~in thi$ arca when the oven is being operated ma)’ c3u~c ~3 erc