Aiwa NSX-A909 manual Sistema de altavoces SX-WNA909

Page 56

Unidad principal CX-NA909

Seccion del sintonizador de FM

Gama de sintonizacion

87,5 MHz a 108 MHz


util (IHF)

13,2 dBf


de antena

75 ohmios (desequilibrada)

Seccion del sintonizador de AM








Gama de sintonizacion

530 kHz a 1710 kHz (pasos

de 10

















531 kHz a 1602 kHz (pasos de 9
















350 pV/m










Antena de cuadro
















de media-alta frecuencia









de salida


30 W

+ 30



HZ – 20






con no mas del 10/. de distortion







6 ohmios)




armonica total


(17 W, 1 kHz,

6 ohmios,














de baja










Potencia de salida


80 W + 80 W (20 Hz–200

Hz, con





no mas del 10/. de distortion







6 ohmios)







(70 W, 70 Hz, 6 ohmios,


















210 mV (ajustable)





MD: 210

mV (ajustable)







MlCl, MIC2: 1,4 mV (10 kohmios)















altavoces de





6 ohmios

o mas
















Acepta altavoces de 8 ohmios a 16

















(toma estereo):






auriculares de 32 ohmios o mas


de la platina









Formato de pistas


4 pistas,

2 canales





de frecuencia


de CrOz

50 Hz-16000






Cinta normal: 50 Hz–1 5000 Hz


sefial a ruido

60 dB


B NR ON, nivel de






de cinta




Sistema de grabacion



de CA
























Platina 2:1 cabeza de grabacion/ reproduction, 1 cabeza de borrado

Seccion del reproductor de discos compactos

Sistema de altavoces SX-WNA909

Tipo de caja

4 v[as,

altavoz de subgraves (tipo


de blindaje




de subgraves:


Tipo conico de 200 mm






Tipo conico de 120 mm






Tipo ceramico de 60 mm






Tipo ceramico de 20 mm


6 ohmios/6


Nivel de presion





de salida

87 dBIWlm








(An x Al x Prof)

240 x 324x


330 mm


6 kg




Las especificaciones y el aspecto exterior estan sujetos a cambios sin previo aviso.


La sigla “BBE y el simbolo “BBE” son marcas registradas de BBE Sound, Inc.

Bajo Iicencia de BBE Sound, Inc.


Reduccion de ruido Dolby fabricado bajo Iicencia de Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation.

DOLBY y el simbolo de la D doble DO son marcas de Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation.


SirVase comprobar Ias Ieyes de derechos de autor relacionadas con la grabacion de discos, de la radio o de cintas del pa(s en el que se utilice el aparato.


Convertidor D-A

Relation sefial a ruido Distortion armonica Fluctuation y tremolo


Alimentacion Consumo

Dimensioned de la unidad principal (An x Al x Prof) Peso de la unidad principal

Laser de semiconductor (k= 780 nm)

1 bit doble

85 dB (1 kHz, O dB)

0,05% (1 kHz, O dB) Nose puede medir

120 V CA, 60 Hz


260 x 329 x 369 mm

9,8 kg


Image 56
Contents Page Installation Electric PowerAC power cord Owner’s recordClock and Timer PreparationsSound Radio ReceptionCheck your system and accessories Before connecting the AC cordSpeakers Connect the right speaker to the main unitConnect the supplied antennas Connect the AC cord to an AC outletAntenna Antennas To connect other optional ecfuiprnent + FM feederWhen to replace the batteries Using the remote controlTo turn the power off LLmm&-.=Super T-BASS System To change the volume level of the selected rhythm pattern Press RhythmTo change the tempo of the selected rhythm pattern Turn Multi JOG to select the desired rhythm patternPress GEQ LOW Setting a NEW Equalization Curve ManuallySelecting the Programmed Equalization Curve To select the stored equalization curve Set a new equalization curve with HIGH, LOW, and Multi JOGWithin 4 seconds, press Enter Setting a NEW DSP Surround Sound Manually To change the AM tuning interval When an FM stereo broadcast contains noisePress TUNER/BAND repeatedly to select the desired band To search for a station quickly Auto SearchSelecting a preset number on the main unit To clear a preset stationRepea’lt steps 1 ‘~,~j~ gWhen tapes are loaded in both decks To select a reverse mode deck 2 onlyCassette holder Press 4 to start playHilUSIIC Sensor About cassette tapesSelecting a track with the remote control Loading DiscsTo Dlav one disc only. press Disc Direct Play Replacing discs during playPress Prgm twice in stop mode Press Numbered buttons +1 O to program TrackPress REV Mode to select the reverse mode Inserting Blank SpacesInsert the tape to be recorded on into deck Press Dolby NR to turn Dolby NR on or offPress Dolby NR to turn off the Dolby NR Pre!ss Tape Deck 1/2 to select deckPress O REC/REC Mute to start recording Press Sync DUB once or twice to start recordingPress REC/REC Mute to start recording on First Side Press CD and load the discs Press CD EDIT/CHECK onceTo clear the edit program To add tracks from other discs to the edit programRemote control to program a track Repeat for the rest of the tracks for side aPress Disc Direct Play 1-3 to select a disc To check the order of the programmed track numbersConnect your microphones to MIC 1 and MIC 2 jacks Repeat to reserve other tracks Press -4 F to start play To switch to the 24-hour standard To check the time remaining until the power is turned offTo cancel the sleep timer To disdav the current timePrepare the source To cancel timelr standby mode temporarilyPress + Down or * UP to select a source, then press 1I SET VIDEO/AUX Jacks MD JacksPress VIDEO/AUX or MD Play the connected equipmentTo clean the cabinet To clean the heads and tape pathsTo reset There is no soundOutput sound pressure level 87 dB/W/m Dimensions W x H x D WeightSignal-to-noise ratio General Power RequirementsPage Condensation Enerctia electricaOPERAClONES Periodos de no utilization Desenchufe el cable deNo Trate DE Reparar LA Unidad Usted Mismo Compruebe su sistema y Ios accesorios Antes de conectar el cable de alimentacion de CAConecte el altavoz izquierdo a la unidad principal Cable de altavoz negro/blanco+4% Hi== Lnsercion de Ias pilasControl DE!‘VOLUMEN LPara cancelar la demostracion del juegoSistema Super T-BASS Demoetracion del juegoPara Seleccionar UN Patron DE Ritmo Pulse RhythmGire Multi JOG para seleccionar el patron de ritmo deseado Para cambiar el tempo del patron de ritmo seleccionado+ ROCK- POP~JAZZ~CLASSI C+-+ Latin Ecualizacion ProgramadaAjuste del sonido durante la grabacion Memorization DE Curvas DE Ecualizacion Nuevas HIGH, LOW y Multi JOGPulse Enter antes de aue pasen 4 sequndos Ajuste una curva de ecualizacion nueva conAjjste Manualde UN Nuevo DSP Sijrround SurroundFihlivel de realimentacion Para ajustar el nivel de la realimentacionFM AM Pulse + Down o + UP para seleccionar una emisoraPara cambiar el intervalo de sintonizacion de AM Para buscar rapidamente una emisora busqueda automaticSintonizacion Mediante Numero DE PREAJUSTE~ Repita Ios pasos 1 ySeleccionar Un numero De preajuste ~~@Pulse E para iniciar la reproduction Insercion DE CintasPulse Tape y a Eject para abrir el portacasete Sistema Dolby NR Inserte cintas en Ias platinas 1 yLas cintas de 120 minutes o mas son extremadamente Para rewoducir uno o dos discos, ponga Ios discos en Ias Para retxoducir Todos Ios Discos Del ComDartimiento Pulse bPara rerxoducir un disco solamente, pulse Disc Direct Play Para reproducer con el control remotoDE Reproduction Disc DirectInsercion DE Espacios SIN Grabar Pulse Tape Deck 1/2 para seleccionar la platina Pulse una o dos veces Sync DUB para iniciar laPara detener el copiado Para ajustar Dolby NR cuando reproduzca la cinta CopiadaPara detener la grabacion Para borrar el programa de editionTiempo de Ias cintas de casete y tiempo de edition Disc Andomi EpeatPulse Recirec Mute para iniciar la grabacion Para cambiar el programa de cada caraPulse CD EDIT/CHECK para seleccionar la cara a o B, y pulse Para borrar el programa de editionConecte sus microfonos a las tomas MIC 1 y MIC Para cambiar el tiempo de retardo del ecoCuando no utilice Ios microfonos Microfonos recomendadosPara Ailadir una reserva durante la reproduction Para Comprobar as canciones reservadasPara detener la reproduction Para saltar una cancithPulse una vez CLOCK/TIMER y Iuego pulse Para cancelar el temporizador para dormirPara cambiar al modo de 24 horas Si parpadea la visualization del relojPulse Power para apagar la unidad despues de Haber ajustado el volumen y el tonoSET Prepare la fuente de sonidoTomas VIDEO/AUX Toma CD Digital OUT OpticalTomas Line OUT Pulse VIDEO/AUX o MDSeccion DE LA Platina Sistema de altavoces SX-WNA909 Page Releve du proprietaire Eneraie electriaueSON Reception RadioLecture DE Cassettes Lecture DE Disqijes CompactsAvant de brancher Ie cordon secteur Enceintes Contr61er la chaine et Ies accessoiresConnecter I’enceinte droite a I’appareil principal Connecter Ies antennes fournies Brancher Ie cordon secteur a une prise de CourantUtilisation de la telecommande Mise en place des pilesQuand remplacer Ies piles Pour mettre I’appareil sous tensionDemonstration de jeu Pour annuler la demonstration de jeuUtilisation de la demonstration de jeu Pour reinitialiser la demonstration de jeuAppuyer sur Rythm Pour annuler la fonction generation de rythmePour redemarrer la fonction generation de rythme Pour changer Ie tempo du type de rythme selectionneAppuyer sur 3EQ LOW Selection D’UNE Courbe ’EGALISATION ProgrammedColjrbe Iyegalisation Regler une nouvelle courbe d’egalisation avec Dans Ies auatre secondes, appuyer sur EnterHIGH, LOW et Multi JOG Quand la source musicale est monophoniqueL+FI mode d’entree Polur regler Ie niveau de retractionPour selectionner Ie son Surround DSP memoris6 Surround DSPQuand une emission FM stereo presente des parasites Appuyer sur +4 Down ou UP pour selectionner une stationEnsuite, appuyer sur + DIRECTION/PRESET a plusieurs Appuyer sur 1II SET pour memoriser la stationRep6%er Ies etapes 1 et Pouw selectionner une station$- --- ----J Appuyer sur 4 pour demarrer la lectureFi~ce a Au sujet des cassettesRuban magnetique des cassettes de 120 minutes Pour commander la lecture avec la telecommande Selection d’une plage avec la telecommandePour Iire un ou deux disaues, mettre Ies disques sur Ies Changement de disques pendant la lectureDisc Direct Play Appuyer deux fois sur Prgm clans Ie mode arr6tAppuyer Sur Appuyer sur REV Mode pour selectionner e mode d’inversion Appuyer sur REC/REC Mute pour demarrer ’enregistrementPour effacer un enregistrement Appuyer sur REC/REC Mute pour demarrer I’effacementAppuyer sur Tape Appuyer sur Tape Deck 1/2 pour selectionner la platineAppuyer sur 0 REC/REC Mute pour demarrer l’enregistrernent Duree des cassettes et temps du montage Pour arr&er I’enregistrementDu montage R6peter l’6tape 5 pour Ie reste des plages de la face a Appuyer sw @ REC/REC Mute pour demarrer I’enregistrementPour controller I’ordre des numeros des plages programmers Pour changer Ile programme de chaque face@ Annulation Brancher les microphones aux prises MIC 1 etSource sonore Pour arr&er la lecture Appuyersur Pour annuler la lecture programmed, appuyer sur ClearPour afficher I’heure courante Pour passer au format de 24 heuresSi I’affichage de I’horloge clignote Pour controller Ie temps restant jusqu’a la mise horsPour contrder l’heure et la source specifiers Pour annuler provisoirement Ie mode attente de minuterilePreparer la source Appuyer sur VIDEO/AUX ou MD Pour connecter un tourne-disquePour regler Ie niveau sonore de la source externe Quand la prise CD Digital OUT Optical n’est pas utiliseeNt?ttoyage du coffret Nettoyage des t~tes et des chemins de bandeII n’y a pas de son Le son ne sort que par une enceinteDroits D’AUTEUR Partie lecteur de disques compactsReducteur DE Bruit Dolby Page Page Page ~ Disc Direct PLAY1-3 OPEN/CLOSECD EDIT/CHECK Clear

NSX-A909 specifications

The Aiwa NSX-A909 is a compact stereo system that gained popularity for its robust sound quality and advanced features. This model, a part of Aiwa's late 90s lineup, reflects a blend of style and functionality, designed to cater to both casual listeners and audiophiles alike.

One of the standout features of the Aiwa NSX-A909 is its dual cassette decks, which allow for recording, playback, and dubbing from one tape to another. This function was particularly appealing during the cassette era, enabling users to create mixtapes or duplicate their favorite albums with ease. The system also supports a variety of cassette formats, providing versatility for users with diverse tape collections.

The NSX-A909 is equipped with a powerful amplifier that delivers rich, dynamic sound. With a power output of 100 watts RMS, it can fill a room with clear, vibrant audio. The system includes a set of well-designed speakers that reproduce sound accurately across a wide frequency range, ensuring that bass is deep and punchy while treble remains crisp and clear.

In addition to cassette playback, the NSX-A909 features a CD player capable of handling standard CDs, providing users with the ability to enjoy their digital music collections. The CD player incorporates technologies such as anti-shock protection, which minimizes skips and interruptions during playback, making it ideal for active environments.

Another notable technology found in the Aiwa NSX-A909 is its FM/AM tuner, equipped with preset stations for quick access to favorite radio channels. This feature encourages exploration of radio broadcasts, from music to talk shows, expanding the listening experience beyond personal collections.

The design aesthetics of the NSX-A909 are also noteworthy. With a sleek, modern look, the system complements any living space while being user-friendly. The front panel is intuitively laid out, with clearly labeled controls for easy access to functions like play, pause, and skip.

Additional features include a graphic equalizer that allows users to customize audio settings to their personal preferences, enhancing the listening experience tailored to individual tastes. The remote control adds convenience, enabling users to operate the system from a distance.

Overall, the Aiwa NSX-A909 is a versatile, well-rounded stereo system that encapsulates the best of late 90s audio technology. With its blend of cassette, CD, and radio playback capabilities, combined with powerful sound and user-friendly features, it remains a nostalgic piece of audio equipment for those who appreciate quality sound and retro functionality.