Low-Band Receiver Mixer Stand-Alone Test Guide
This section involves measuring the Low Band Receiver Mixer. All unused ports will be terminated into 50 Ω. Before measuring the low band Mixer separately, the EVM board must be modified as follows: Remove C12 and place C54. The EVM board is now modified to use J15 as the input port of the Receiver Mixer.
Table 8. Low-Band Receiver Mixer Parameters
PARAMETERS | Min | Typ | Max | UNIT |
Rx Mixer Input Frequency | 869 | 881.5 | 894 | MHz |
LO frequency | 979.52 | 992.02 | 1004.52 | MHz |
Rx Mixer Output Frequency |
| 110.52 |
| MHz |
RF Input Power |
| dBm | |
LO Input Power |
| dBm | |
Power Conversion Gain |
| 12 |
| dB |
RF Input Return Loss |
| 9 |
| dB |
Power Leakage LO In at RF In |
| dB | |
Noise Figure |
| 7.5 |
| dB |
1dB Input Compression Point |
| dBm | |
Third Order Input Intercept Point(IIP3) |
| 3.5 |
| dBm |
Low-Band Receiver Mixer: Power Conversion Gain
Control state: 011000
Test setup Figure 20
The receiver mixer conversion gain (dB) is the measured power (dBm) at the IF frequency minus the RF source power (dBm). It is measured using a RF source and a spectrum analyzer.
1)Set the RF source power (RF Pin) and the desired frequency (see Table 8). Connect the RF source to the EVM RF port, J15.
2)Set the LO source power (LO Pin) and the desired frequency (see Table 8). Connect the LO source to the EVM LO input port, J12.
3)Set the spectrum analyzer to measure at the IF frequency (see Table 8).
4)Connect the EVM IF output port, J11, to the spectrum analyzer.
TRF1500 Integrated | 65 |