c)After entering the ENR for the desired frequency, press the Frequency button on the front panel to exit.
5)To calibrate the NF Meter:
a)Connect the Noise Source directly to the NF meter; press the calibration button twice.
b)Next, press the Noise Figure and Gain Button. The corrected LED just above the button should be lit.
c)Calibration is complete.
Next the external equipment loss is considered (RF cable,
Transmission line).
6)The Losses are entered in the Noise Figure Meter by using special function 34.x.
a)Special Function 34.1 turns on the Loss compensation factor.
b)Special Function 34.2 is used to enter the loss before the DUT.
c)Special Function 34.3 is used to enter the room temperature in Kelvin (300°K).
d)Finally Special Function 34.4 is used to enter the loss after the DUT.
e)Special Function 34.0 is used to turn off the loss compensation factor.
The noise figure is measured as follows:
7)Connecting the noise source directly to the Low Band LNA input port, J10.
8)Connect the EVM LNA output port, J15, to the noise figure meter input port.
9)Measure the noise figure for each frequency.
Low-Band LNA: Third Order Input Intercept Point (IIP3)
Control state: 011000
Test setup Figure 26
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