Read these instructions completely and carefu~y
~ORT~: Save these instructions for the Iocd electrid inspectors use.
WORTM: Observed governing codes and ordinances.
NOTE TO ~~~~ be these instructions with the appfiance after ins~tion is completed.
N~ ~ CONS~R &ep this Use and We Guide and kstiation kstructions for fiture use.
This appfiance maybe connected by mems
of permanent “hard wirin< or power supply cord kit
It is the personal responsibtity of the customer to contact a qu~ed technician to assure that the electrid initiation is adequate and is in conformance with the National Electrical Code and 10A codes and ordinances.
~E WGE MUST BE CONNE~D = COPPER= ONLY. Numinum wire must not be used to avoid potentidy msatisfactory
This app~ance maybe connected by means of a power supply cord kit. Ordy a power supply cord kit rated at 125/250 volts minimum, 40 amps and marked for use with ranges shd be used. Cord must have 3 conductors,
Mobtie home initiation or area where lod codes do not permit grounding through neuti, a 4 conductor power supp~ cord kit rated at 125/250 VOltS minimum, 40 =PS and marked for use with ranges sh~ be used.
Terminals on end of wires must be either closed loop or open+nd spade lugs with upturned ends. Cord must have strain rehef cbp.
Some models may be equipped with a factory connected 3 conductor power supply cord.
Mobfle home initiation or area where local codes do not permit grounding through neutral, a 4 conductor power supply cord kit rated at 125/250 VOltS minimum, 40 =PS and investigated for use with ranges shd be used. Terrninds on end of wires must be either closed loop or open+nd spade lugs with upturned ends.
This apptiance is mandctured with the neuti terminal connected to the frame.
1.Uld codes permit connetion of tie tie grounding conductor to the neuti wire of the copper power supply cord:
A Remove the screws and raise the terminal block cover ~ower part of the back wire cover).
B. me terminal nuts are taped to the frame below the terminal block
N~: Do not loosen bctoryinstied nuts.
C. Connect the neuti wire of the copper power supply cord to the center sflver colored teti of the teti block and connect the outer ties to the outer tetis. See Piie 1.
Ring type terminals must be used on copper power supply cord wires.
D. Replace the terminal block cover.
FIGURE l(conttimpage)