Hotwire DSLAM System
What is the Hotwire DSLAM?
The Hotwiret Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM) is a DSL platform that houses a Management Communications Controller (MCC) card and up to 18 DSL cards. These can be 8310 Multiple Virtual Lines (MVLt) cards, 8510 Rate Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line (RADSL) cards, or a combination of both.
All references to DSL cards refer to both RADSL and MVL cards, unless specifically noted otherwise.
The DSLAM interoperates with two types of Hotwire Service Nodes (SNs)/endpoints to deliver applications at high speeds in support of packet services over a Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) link.
HThe 8310 MVL card interoperates with the Hotwire 6310 MVL modem.
HThe 8510 DSL card interoperates with the Hotwire 5620 SN.
The DSLAM is a set of central site products that terminate and consolidate packet data traffic from many customers in a serving area. It then forwards the traffic to one or more network access provider networks.
In addition, the Hotwire DSLAM with an endpoint such as a 6310 MVL modem and 5620 SN can
May 1998 |