• Foods over_.ookedo;
• "PROBE" appears on display |
Not enough t_me se_ when using "lIME COOK function because starting lemperalure_ of ioods varied widei_
"- Probe Rot f,_s_L,=_,__....._e,i
,!t;corract power tevei entare_
-Dish no_ rotate_, _.urne.d o_ stirred as called for in recipe
•Too many dishes lt_ ov_ a,'. same time
Food notthoroughlydefrosled
Improper use of coverings
Probe not used, although Aulo Roast pad touched
Probe not insertedpropeMy into oven receptacleor food
UNTIL YOU O_ ::_:_.
,Do notov_rcrowo _,_
,Check Defrost section oiman_.
. F'_!!ow instructions in manua and recipe.
• See PROBE section of manual
"ERROR" appems on display |
Wl_en using Auto Roast Code 7 • See Auto Roast section of
to Temp Cook/Hold, you have manual for instructions,
entered a temperature of less than BO" or more than 199°F
•Slearnorvapor escaping [._oma_ound door
•Light _eflection around door or ouier case.
, Dull thumping sound while own Is in use.
•Microwave fan may operma wilh both ovens oil It Is cooling the control and will turn Itself off.
Dimming oven light and change In blower sound may occur wh!!e operating at power levels other
than hlgh.
Sore _ "P,/,Fad}otnterfer ance mig hiba noticed wMle using your microwave oven, It Is similar to lhe tnl_rIersnce caused by other small appiiance_ _nd doe_ no_ Indicate a problem with your oven
32 | NESER13 |