Kenmore W10215709A Conexi6n dela deldespa= Chadorde agua Bisagra inferior, Rejilla de la base

Page 33

Re_na las herramientas y piezas necesarias antes de comenzar la instalaci6n.

HERRAMIENTAS NEOESARIAS:/laves de aubo de aabeza hexagonal de %" y %6" y un destornillador de hoja plana. IMPORTANTE: Antes de aomenzar_fije el control del refrigerador a OFF (Apagado). Desenahufe el refrigerador o desaoneate el suministro de energia. Quite los alimentos y aualquier puerta ajustable o reaipientes utilitarios de las puertas.

NOTA: Para poder pasar el produato por la entrada de su hogar_mida la abertura de la puerta para ver si neaesitaraquitar las manijas de las puertas o las puertas completas. Vea las instrucciones a continuaci6n para quitar las manijas de las puertas o las puertas aompletas.

Peligro de Choque El_ctrico

Desconecte el suministro de energia antes de sacar las puertas.

No seguir esta instrucci6n puede ocasionar la muerte o choque el_ctrico.

Bisagra superior

C6rno quitar

Bisagra superior


la puerta


Conexi6n del

Estilo 2

EstUo 3


C6mo quitar

C6mo quitar

M Estilo 1

las manijas

las manijas

C6mo quitar



las manijas






A g C

A. Enchufes de cableado

B. Sujetador de caMeado

C. Aros de refuerzo

Conexi6n dela deldespa=

chadorde agua

Bisagra inferior


A. Cara del encaje

Rejilla de la base


Alineaci6n de las

Nivelaci6n delantera










A'" ___




A. Tornillo nivelador


Image 33
Contents Sears Roebuck Co., Hoffman Estates, IL W10215709ASears Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5B 2B8 Table of Contents Refrigerator Safety Before You Throw Away Your Old Refrigerator or FreezerTakeoff the doors Installation Instructions Remove the Packaging08 cm Tools Needed Water PressureRemove the Base Grille Replace the Base GrilleTop Left Hinge WiringplugsGrommets Water Dispenser Tubing Connection RemovalRemove the Handles optional Replace the Doors and HingesStyles 2 Door ClosingConnect to Refrigerator Co sectCoupfing purchased Complete the InstallationStyle Refrigerator USECondition Temperature Adjustment Press a sturdy glass against the water dispenser lever To Dispense WaterIce Dispenser OnhalfoffFilter Status Locked unlockedStatus Changing the Water FilterTurning the Ice Maker On/Off Refrigerator Features0Y£O Shelves and Shelf FramesTo Remove and Replace a Shelf in a Metal Frame To Remove and Replace a Shelf/FrameFreezer Features Wne CasiB eFrozen Food Storage Guide Door Features Ched oo BnOo Raso Drop-In Door Rails To Remove and Replace the Rails To Remove and Replace the BinsTo Remove and Replace the Bin Parts Sangng Refrigerator CareUpper Freezer Light If You Choose to Turn the Refrigerator Off Before You LeaveMoving Doors are difficult to open Refrigerator will not operateLights do not work Sizzling/Gurgling water drippingIce cubes are hollow or small Ice maker is not producing ice or not enough iceOff-taste, odor or gray color in the ice Ice dispenser will not operate properlyProtection Agreements Sears Installation ServiceDispenser water is not cool enough Master Protection AgreementsReplacement Parts AccessoriesBase Grille Water Filter Replacement Filter Water FilterModel TIKB1/TIRFKB1 Capacity 100 Gallons 379 Liters Performance Data SheetNSF/ANSI Page Ndice Seguridad DEL Refrigerador Garanta Limitada DE KenmoreExclusibn de garantias implicitas limitacibn de recursos Registro DEL ProductoAntes de tirar su refrigerador o congelador viejo Instrucciones DE InstalacionPeligro de Asfi×ia Peligro de Peso Excesivo508era Limpie su refrigerador antes de usarloNotas Mtodo de conexi6n a tierra recomendadoPresibn del agua Suministro de agua de 6smosis inversaQuite la rejilla de la base Rejilla de la base Conexi6n dela deldespa= Chadorde agua Bisagra inferiorAlineaci6n de las Nivelaci6n delantera Puertas NivelEstilos 2 y Quite las manijas opcional EstiloQuite las puertas Peligro de Choque EI6ctrico Las puertasCortex o de Conexibn al refrigeradorImportante Tuberfade cobre Son dos nomss ÷s USO DE SU RefrigeradorIM PO Rtante Lock Filter Status TempC6mo ajustar los controles Condicicn Regulacicn DE LA TemperaturaCaracteristicas adicionales Produccibn acelerada de hielo Alarma de puerta entreabiertaManejo de temperatura SmartSense TM Pantalla de temperatura siempre encendidaEl bloqueo del despachador en algunos modelos Order££,seestsso ...........................cs Peligro de CortadurasUso del despachador sin el cartucho del filtro de agua Cbmo cambiar el filtro de aguaCbmo quitar y volver a colocar el dep6sito De seo y deps to SiieoPara encender y apagar la f&brica de hielo RecuerdePara quitar y volver a colocar el caj6n para carnes frias Estantes deslizables en algunos modelosCon dbedeve u is am Tapasdelcaj6nparaverdurasodelcaj6nparaverduras/ carnePara quitar y volver a colocar las tapas El portabotellas/latas a la derechaS?de congead@ CaractersticasCanasta o ?cp e£ede conge ados @sto c nab e de a pue de cnge adoRec p e s£es de a pue /a Rec p entenc /s@beRieles calzables de la puerta Para limpiar su refrigerador Cuidado DE SU RefrigeradorLuz superior del congelador Co tes de SteLuces del caj6n para verduras Si Ud. decide apagar el refrigerador antes de irseNo funciona MudanzaPeligro de Cheque EI6ctrico Estan encendidos los controles? AsegQrese de que losLas luces no funcionan Es dificil abrir las puertasLa temperatura esta demasiado caliente Los cubos de hielo son huecos o peque6osHay fugas de agua del despachador El despachador de hielo no funciona debidamenteEl agua del despachador no estb Io suficientemente fria El despachador de hielo se atasca mientras vierte elRefacciones Contratos DE ProteccionModelo T1KB1/T1RFKB1 Capacidad de 100 galones 379 litros Hoja DE Datos DEL RendimientoNorma Page Table DES Matii RES Enregistrement DU Produit Garantie Limiti E KenmoreSI Curiti DU RI Frigi Rateur Avant de jeter votre vieux rfrigrateur ou conglateurEnlever les portes de votre vieux rfrigrateur Dplacement de votre rfrig6rateur Nettoyage avant IutilisationRemarques IM Portant Outillage RequisStyle Charnire Enlvement des Portes Suprieure droiteEnlvement DesEnlever les poignes facultatif Enlever les portesStyles 2 et Replacer les portes et les charniresRaccordement au r6frigrateur Aligner les portesRaccordement & une canalisation deau Achever Iinstallation Lji s8ilo des c Utilisation DU RI Frigi RateurCommandes du rfrigrateur Ajustement des commandesCondition Ajustement DE LA Tempirature Caractristiques supplmentaires Production acclre de gla£onsSmartsense Distribution de glace La lampe du distributeur sur certains modulesLe verrouillage du distributeur sur certains modules Timoin ItatRemplacement du filtre eau Purge du systme deau aprs le remplacement du filtreUtilisation du distributeur sans cartouche de filtre b eau Enlvement et remplacement du bac dentreposage Caracti Ristiques DU RI Frigi RateurAllumer el 6teindre la machine glagons Le bac Igumes et le tiroir Igumes/viande convertible Pour enlever et rinstaller les tiroirsSse Ajustement du rglageGuide dentreposage des viandes Rane ou bat de cong i sSi u Pour enlever et rinstaller la tabletteSuce¢a smode, @ Ceta ns mod!tSu.... cea is mod@es Bat ts nc nabeTringles dposes dans la porte Suce¢a ss mod6Nettoyage du rfrigrateur Entretien DU RI Frigi RateurMpoue, d EdesLampe de la partie sup6rieure du conglateur Lampes du bac IgumesDmnagement Le rfrigrateur ne fonctionne pas DepannageLe rfrig6rateur est bruyant Les portes ne ferment pas compltementII existe une accumulation dhumidit6& Iint6rieur Les gla£ons sont creux ou petitsLeau contient-elle des min6raux tels que le soufre? Leaudu distributeur nestpas assez froide Le distributeur deaune fonctionne pas correctementLa pression de Ieauest-elle infrieure a 30 Ib/po De Ieau suinte du distributeurContrats DE Protection AccessoiresFeuille DE Donni ES SUR LA Performance ModUle TIKB1/TIRFKB1 Capacite 100 gallons 379 litresDirectives dapplication Paramtres dapprovisionnement en eau HAN Anage

W10215709A specifications

The Kenmore W10215709A is a high-quality refrigerator water filter designed to enhance the taste and safety of drinking water. It is specifically compatible with a range of Kenmore refrigerators that utilize a twist-and-lock filter mechanism. This filter is engineered to reduce contaminants, ensuring that consumers enjoy clean and refreshing water and ice straight from their refrigerator.

One of the main features of the Kenmore W10215709A is its advanced filtration technology. This filter employs a multi-stage filtration process that targets a wide spectrum of harmful substances that can be present in tap water. It effectively reduces chlorine, lead, mercury, and other heavy metals, along with various contaminants that can negatively affect water quality. This results in water that not only tastes better but is also healthier for household consumption.

The Kenmore W10215709A boasts a filter life of about six months, depending on usage and water quality. This means that users can enjoy considerable longevity before needing to replace the filter, providing both convenience and cost-effectiveness. The installation process for this filter is straightforward, featuring a simple twist-and-lock design that allows users to change the filter without any tools. This ease of use ensures that maintaining the filter does not become a cumbersome task and encourages users to prioritize water quality.

This model is also designed with user-friendly indicators in mind. Many compatible refrigerators are equipped with built-in filter change lights that notify users when it is time to replace the filter, making it easy to keep track of filter performance without prior knowledge of water filter maintenance.

In terms of characteristics, the Kenmore W10215709A meets the strict standards set by the NSF, assuring consumers of its efficacy and safety. It offers an environmentally friendly solution, as it minimizes the need for bottled water, promoting a greener lifestyle.

In summary, the Kenmore W10215709A water filter is an excellent choice for Kenmore refrigerator owners. With its advanced filtration capabilities, user-friendly features, and commitment to quality, it ensures that families can enjoy superior water straight from their ice and water dispensers. This filter embodies the blend of convenience and health that modern consumers demand while promoting safer drinking water.