Immediatelyprepareyourtractorforstor- which leads to separation and formation of
ageattheendoftheseasonorifthetrac- acids during storage. Acidic gas can dam-
willnotbeusedfor30daysor more. age the fuel system of an engine while in
WARNING:Neverstorethetractor storage.
withgasolinethetankinsideabuilding • Empty the fuel tank by starting the en-
wherefumesmayreachanopenflame |
| gine | and | letting | it run until the fuel lines | |||||||
orsparkAllowtheenginetocoolbefore. |
| and | carburetor | are | empty. |
| ||||||
storinginanyenclosure. | • | Never | use engine or carburetor | cleaner | ||||||||
| products in the fuel tank or permanent | ||||||||||
| damage | may occur. |
| |||||||
Whentractoristobestoredforaperiod |
| ||||||||
• | Use fresh fuel next | season. |
| |||||||||
oftime,cleanitthoroughly,removealldirt, | NOTE: |
| Fuel stabilizer | is an acceptable | ||||||||
grease,leaves,etc.Storeinaclean,dry | alternative | in minimizing | the formation of | |||||||||
area. | fuel | gum deposits | during | storage. | Add | |||||||
1. | Cleanentiretractor(See"CLEANING"stabilizer to gasoline in fuel tank or stor- | |||||||||||
| intheMaintenancesectionofthis | age container. Always follow the mix ratio | ||||||||||
| manual). | |||||||||||
2. | found on stabilizer container. Run | engine | ||||||||||
Inspectandreplacebelts,ifnecessary at least 10 minutes after adding stabilizer | ||||||||||||
| (Seebeltreplacementinstructions | to allow | the stabilizer | to reach the car- | ||||||||
| theServiceandAdjustmentssectionof | buretor. | Do not empty the gas tank and | |||||||||
3. | thismanual). | carburetor | if using fuel stabilizer. |
| ||||||||
LubricateasshownintheMaintenance |
| OIL |
| ||||
| sectionofthismanual. | ENGINE |
| ||||||
4. | Drain oil (with engine warm) and replace | |||||||||||
Besurethatallnuts,boltsandscrews | ||||||||||||
| aresecurelyfastenedInspectmoving. | with | clean | engine | oil. | (See "ENGINE" in | ||||||
| partsfordamage,breakageandwear. | the | Maintenance | section | of this manual). | |||||||
| Replaceifnecessary. | CYLINDER(S) |
5.Touchupallrustedorchippedpaint 1. Remove spark plug(s). surfaces;sandlightlybeforepainting. 2. Pour one ounce of oil through spark
| plug hole(s) into cylinder(s). | |||
3. | Turn | ignition | key to start | position for a | |
• Fullychargethebatteryforstorage. |
| few | seconds | to distribute | oil. |
• Afteraperiodoftimeinstorage,battery | 4. | Replace with new spark plug(s). | |||
mayrequirerecharging. |
• Tohelppreventcorrosionandpower OTHER
leakageduringlongperiodsofstorage, • Do not store gasoline from one season
batterycablesshouldbedisconnected | to another. |
andbatterycleanedthoroughly(see | • Replace your gasoline can if your can | |
"TOCLEANBATTERYANDTERMI- | starts to rust. | Rust and/or dirt in your |
NALS"intheMaintenancesectionof | gasoline will | cause problems. |
thismanual). | • If possible, store your tractor indoors |
•Aftercleaning,leavecablesdisconnect- and cover it to give protection from dust edandplacecableswheretheycannot and dirt. comeincontactwithbatteryterminals. • Cover your tractor with a suitable
•Ifbatteryisremovedfromtractorfor protective cover that does not retain storage,donotstorebatterydirectlyon moisture. Do not use plastic. Plastic
concreteordampsurfaces.cannot breathe which allows condensa-
ENGINE | tion to form and will | cause your tractor | |
to rust. |
| |
FUELSYSTEM | IMPORTANT: Never | cover tractor | while |
IMPORTANT:Itisimportanttoprevent | engine and exhaust areas are still | warm. | |
gumdepositsfromformingessential |
fuel system parts such as carburetor, fuel
hose, or tank during storage. Also, alcohol blended fuels (called gasohol or using ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture