•Mower should be propedy leveled for
best mowing performance. See =TO
LEVEL MOWER HOUSING" in the Service and Adjustments section of this manual.
•The left hand side of mower should be used for trimming.
the area that has been cuL Have the cut area
to the dghtof the _x:tor. This wil result in a
•When mowing large areas, start by turn- ing to the right so that clippings will dis- charge away from shrubs, fences, drive- ways, etc. After one or two rounds, mow
in the opposite direction making left hand tums until finished.
•If grass is extremely tall, it should be mowed twice to reduce load and possi- ble fire hazard from dried clippings. Make first cut relatively high; the second to the desired height.
•Do not mow grass when it is wet. Wet grass will plug mower and leave unde- sirable clumps. Allow grass to dry before mowing.
•Always operate engine at full throttle when mowing to assure better mowing performance and proper discharge of material. Regulate ground speed by se- lecting a low enough gear to give the mower the best cutting performance as well as the quality of out desired.
•When operating attachments, select a ground speed that will suit the terrain and give best performance of the at-
tachmant being used.
MULCHING MOWING TiPS IMPORTANT: For best performance, keep
mower housing free of
•The special mulching blade will recut the grass clippings many times and reduce them in size so that as they fall onto the lawn they will disperse intothe grass and not be noticed. Also, the mulched grass will biodegrade quickly to provide nutrients for the lawn. Always mulch with your highest engine (blade) speed as this will provide the best recut- ting action of the blades.
•Avoid cutting your lawn when it is wet. Wet grass tends to form clumps and interferes with the mulching action. The best time to mow your lawn is the early aftemoon. At this time the grass has dried and the newly cut area will not be exposed to the direct sun.
•For best results, adjust the mower cut- ting height so that the mower cuts off only the top
•Certain types of grass and grass condi- tions may require that an area be mulched a second time to completely hide the clippings. When doing a sec- ond cut, mow across or perpendicular to the first cut path.
•Change your cutting pattem from week to week. Mow north to south one week
then change to east to west the next week. This will help prevent matting and graining of the lawn,