Craftsman 247.28902 manual Adjustments, Leveling the Deck

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NOTE: Checkthetractor'stire pressurebeforeperformingany deck



levelingadjustments.Referto Tiresin the Servicesectionof this



manualfor moreinformationregardingtire pressure.



Front To Rear



The frontof thecuttingdeckis supportedby a stabilizerbarthatcan





be adjustedto levelthe deckfromfrontto rear.The frontof the deck



shouldbe between1A-inchand3A-inchlowerthanthe rearof the deck.



Adjustif necessaryas follows:




Withthe tractorparkedona firm, levelsurface,placethe leverfor




liftingthe platformonthe secondto the top notch(secondhighest




position)and rotatethe bladeas closeto the dischargechannel




that is parallelto thetractor.




Measurethedistancefromthe frontof the bladetip to the ground




andthe rearof the bladetip to theground.Thefirst measurei




menttakenshouldbe between1J"and3A"lessthanthe second




measurement.Determinethe approximatedistancenecessaryfor




properadjustmentandproceed,if necessary,to the nextstep.




Locatethe flangelocknut onthe frontsideof the stabilizer




bracket.SeeFig. 15.




Tightenthe flangelocknut to raisethe frontof the deck;




Loosentheflangelock nutto lowerthe frontof thedeck.




to Side



Ifthe cuttingdeckappearsto be mowingunevenly,a sideto side



adjustmentcan beperformed.Adjustif necessaryas follows:




Withthe tractorparkedona firm, levelsurface,placethe decklift




leverin the secondfromthe top notch(secondhighestposition)




and rotatebothbladessothat theyare perpendicularwiththe








Measurethedistancefromthe outsideof the left bladetip to the




groundandthe distancefromthe outsideof the rightbladetip to




the ground.Bothmeasurementstakenshouldbeequal.Ifthey're




not, proceedto the nextstep.




Loosen,but do NOTremove,the hexcap screwonthe leftdeck




hangerbracket.SeeFig. 16.




Balancethedeckby usinga wrenchto turn theadjustmentgear




(foundimmediatelybehindthehex cap screwjust loosened)




clockwise/uporcounterclockwise/downThedeckis. properly




balancedwhen bothbladetip measurementstakenearlierare







Retightenthe hexcap screwon the leftdeckhangerbracketwhen



i i



properadjustmentis achieved.





Neverattemptto makeanyadjustmentswhilethe engineis running, exceptwherespecifiedin the operator'smanual.

Leveling the Deck


Image 24
Contents For answers to your questions about This product, CallAm = 7 pm CT, Mort. =Sun Craftsman Full Warranty Off-Season StorageBack Cover Serial NumberCalifornia Proposition General OperationFollowthe manufacturersrecommendationsfor wheelweights Slope OperationMufflerandenginebecomehotandcan causea burn.Do not touch Do NotService TowingSafeHandlingof Gasoline MowerbladesaresharpWrapthebladeorweargloves,anduse Keepallnuts,bolts,andscrewstighttobesuretheequipmentisDo not Modify Engine Spark ArrestorSafety Symbols Read the OperatorsmanualsPage Page California Proposition Tire Pressure Meets ANSi Safety Standards Seat Adjustment Lever Parking BrakeDeck Lift Lever PTO Blade Engage LeverGAS and OiL FILL-UP 0il GasolineThegasolinetank is locatedunderthe hood.Do notoverfill Avoid Serious Injury or DeathReverse Caution Mode Setting the Cutting HeightEngaging the Parking Brake Starting the Engine Stopping the EngineDriving the Tractor Avoidsuddenstarts,excessivespeedandsuddenstopsUsing the Deck Lift Lever MowingEngaging the Blades MulchingMaintenance Schedule Beforeperforminganytypeof maintenance/service,disengageallControlsandstoptheengine.Waituntilallmovingpartshavecometo Engine Maintenance Checking the Engine OilClamp Fuel Line Tab Fuel FilterSecurethe fuel lineswiththe clamps Air Cleaner Checkthefuel linesfor cracksor leaks.Replaceif necessaryLubrication MufflerPivot Points & Linkage Front AxlesCleaning the Engine and Deck Adjustments Leveling the DeckSeat Adjustment Parking Brake AdjustmentCutting Deck Removal Repeatthe abovestepson the tractorsrightsideCaliforniaProposition65WARNING!Batteryposts,terminals,and Jump StartingTires Ifusingafuel stabilizer Preparing the EnginePreparing the Lawn Tractor Reconnectthe fuel lineandrunthe engineuntil it startstoNeed More HELP? Maoage home777S32491 44 @ Craftsman IViodelCraftsman IViodel DescriptionCraftsman IViodel Craftsman Model 683-04155A-0637 Shaft,Lift 712-04065738-04237A 31111 Craftsman 2S\ 726-0201 Craftsman IViodel 710-0227 Craftsman IViodel Ref,NO, Part No @16 983-04525 $62 584 %Craftsman Model 247.28902 with Engine Model 31P677=1373=B2 130bi F 1o91324 ¢ LO54 % Craftsman Model 247.28902 with Engine Model 31P677-1373-B2Carburetor Overhaul KIT Guard 794150 Gasket Set-Engine 404 691691 Page Page Moderate GDOC-100182RevBSears Emission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty ProvisionsThispageapplicableinthe U.S.A.and Canadaonly Your Warranty Rights and Obligations Warranted Parts Page Operaci6n segura Pr,cticas Paginas Combustible Gasolinasin plorno Bujia ChampionRC12YC MotorFuncionaiviiento General IGUARIE EstasinstruccionesFuncionamiento EN Pendientes Haga Io siguienteNo haga Io siguiente Reiviolque SERVIClOManejo seguro de la gasolina No Modifique EL Motor Aviso Referido a EmisionesGuardachispas Sivibolos DE Seguridad LEA EL Manuals DEL OperadorAesqunadeunedifido Advertencia Conexion DE LOS Cables DE LA Bateria ENVlO Brace ELllVIINACIONQUE UNE EL Volante Labateria+conel pernoy tuercahexagonalVeaselafigura1COLOCACI6N DE LA Sede Presion DE LAS LlantasPalancadel frenode estacionamiento Acebradory palancadecontroldeChokePortavasos La palancadecambioLA Palanca DE Cambio Acelerador Y Palanca DE Control DE EstranguladorPTO Blade Engage Palanca Palanca DE Ajuste DEL AsientoCarga DE Aceite Y Gasolina GasolinaLea el manual del o erador Indicator Sistema DE Bloqueo DE SeguridadAccionado EL Freno DE Estacionamiento Ajuste DE LA Altura DE CorteLA Conduccion DEL Tractor Arranque DEL MotorParo DEL Motor Evitecomienzapronto,el excesodevelocidady paradasbruscasConduccion EN LAS Laderas Involucrar a LOS BladesUSO DE LA Cubierta DE Levante LA Palanca DECortar FarosPlataforrna Eldepuradordelfiltrode aireFiltrode aire Pivotey ejesMantenimiento DEL Motor FTira reactivaDrenajede aceite de rnanga Filtrode aceiteLimpiador DE Aire Paradrenar el combustibleParacambiarel filtro de combustible Limpieza DEL Motor LubricacionCarburador de ajuste Elcarburadoren estemotorno esajustable BateriaLimpieza DE LAS Maquinas Y LA Cubi Erta AjustesDelante a arras Afioje,perono Ioquite,eltornillohexagonalde la izquierdaPlataforma DE Corte DE Eliminacion Bow-TieClipNeumaticos EL ArranquePT0 Cable Carga FusibleCuchillas DE Corte DE Caivibiar LA Correa DE Cubierta FiguraPREPARACI6N DEL Motor EL Drenaje DE LOS CombustiblesPREPARACI6N DE LA Tractor DE Cesped Tibleen lineaquese encuentracercadel motorManage Home Necesita MAS AYUDA?GDOC-100182Rev.A Esta p.ginase aplica s61oen EE.UU. y Canada SUS Derechos Y Obligaciones EN Cuanto a LA Garantja Piezas Garantizadas Continuaci6nsedetallanlos puntosincluidosenel Acuerdo Servicio de instalaci6nde SearsRiding Equipment questions or problems?