simplycall |
| NOTE: Checkthetractor'stire pressurebeforeperformingany deck | |
| levelingadjustments.Referto Tiresin the Servicesectionof this | |
| manualfor moreinformationregardingtire pressure. | |
| Front To Rear | |
.............Fj{7,, | / | The frontof thecuttingdeckis supportedby a stabilizerbarthatcan | |
| ||
| be adjustedto levelthe deckfromfrontto rear.The frontof the deck | |
| shouldbe | |
| Adjustif necessaryas follows: | |
................. |
| 1. | Withthe tractorparkedona firm, levelsurface,placethe leverfor |
| liftingthe platformonthe secondto the top notch(secondhighest |
| position)and rotatethe bladeas closeto the dischargechannel |
| that is parallelto thetractor. |
| 2. | Measurethedistancefromthe frontof the bladetip to the ground |
| andthe rearof the bladetip to theground.Thefirst measurei |
| menttakenshouldbe between1J"and3A"lessthanthe second |
| measurement.Determinethe approximatedistancenecessaryfor |
| properadjustmentandproceed,if necessary,to the nextstep. |
| 3. | Locatethe flangelocknut onthe frontsideof the stabilizer |
| bracket.SeeFig. 15. |
| Tightenthe flangelocknut to raisethe frontof the deck; |
| Loosentheflangelock nutto lowerthe frontof thedeck. |
Figure19 |
| Side | to Side |
| Ifthe cuttingdeckappearsto be mowingunevenly,a sideto side | |
| adjustmentcan beperformed.Adjustif necessaryas follows: | |
| 1. | Withthe tractorparkedona firm, levelsurface,placethe decklift |
| leverin the secondfromthe top notch(secondhighestposition) |
| and rotatebothbladessothat theyare perpendicularwiththe |
| tractor. |
| 2. | Measurethedistancefromthe outsideof the left bladetip to the |
| groundandthe distancefromthe outsideof the rightbladetip to |
| the ground.Bothmeasurementstakenshouldbeequal.Ifthey're |
| not, proceedto the nextstep. |
| 3. | Loosen,but do NOTremove,the hexcap screwonthe leftdeck |
| hangerbracket.SeeFig. 16. |
| 4. | Balancethedeckby usinga wrenchto turn theadjustmentgear |
| (foundimmediatelybehindthehex cap screwjust loosened) |
| clockwise/uporcounterclockwise/downThedeckis. properly |
| balancedwhen bothbladetip measurementstakenearlierare |
/ |
| equal. |
| 5. | Retightenthe hexcap screwon the leftdeckhangerbracketwhen | |
| ||
i i |
| properadjustmentis achieved. |
PTOCable |
Neverattemptto makeanyadjustmentswhilethe engineis running, exceptwherespecifiedin the operator'smanual.
Leveling the Deck