Craftsman 107.27768 manual Clean Deck Check / Replace Mower Blades, Blade Removal Workbench

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Service Intervah 25 hours or as required.


For your personal safety, do not handle the sharp mower blades with bare hands. Careless or improper handling of blades may result in serious



For your personal safety, blade mounting capscrews must each be installed with two spring washers or a hex washer and spring washer, then securely tightened. Torque blade mounting nut to 80 - 90 ft. Ibs. (108 - 122 Nm).

1.Remove mower deck (see "Mower Deck Removal" in the OPERATION section).

2.See Figure 18. Remove blade to inspect it or to safe- ly access the underside of the mower deck. Use a block of wood to prevent blade rotation while loosen- ing the capscrew by turning it counterclockwise.

3.Remove the capscrew (D, Figure 20), spring washer (C), hex washer (B), and blade.

4.Clean the underside of the mower deck.

5.Inspect the blades for nicks or dull edges. Use a file to sharpen blade to a fine edge. If the blade is dam- aged, it must be replaced.

6.Balance the blade as shown in Figure 19. Center the

blade'shole on a nail lubricated with a drop of oil. A balanced blade will remain level. If the blade is not

balanced, continue to sharpen the heavy side until it balances.

7.Reinstall the blade with the lift wings (D, Figure 20) pointing up toward the mower deck as shown.

8.Reinstall the spring washers (B, Figure 20) and nut

(C). Use a wooden block (A) to prevent blade rotation while tightening the nut (C) to 80-90 ft. Ibs. (108-122 Nm).

Figure 18. Blade Removal




Figure 19. Balancing The Blade



Blade installation




Wood Block

C. Blade Nut




D. Lift Wings


Image 20
Contents Operators Manual Inside Back ServiceIdentification General Operation Ignition System Service and Maintenance Rotating Blades Safety & Operation DecalsHeight Adjustment \,CRAFTSMAN Setup instructions Two Bin Bagger Headlight Kit Front Bumper KitRead The Operators Control Functions General Operating Safety Ignition SwitchPTO Switch Hour MeterDo not stop or park rider over dry leaves, grass or Checks Before StartingFuel Recommendations Emergency Stopping Stopping the Rider & EngineStarting the Engine MowingForward Travel Smooth TravelForward Travel Practice Levers GraduallyPractice Turning Around a Corner Executing Turns Turning In PlaceExecuting an End=Of=Row Zero Turn Practice Turning in PlaceRemoving the Mower Deck Mower Deck Removal InstallationInstalling the Mower Deck Maintenance Schedule AllModels 19HP Briggs & StrattonClean Debris from Rider and Engine Compartment Clean Debris from Engine Cooling Areas and AIR FilterChecktire Pressure PressureService Interval 25 hours Arbor Lubrication 3-Blade Model ShownClean Deck Check / Replace Mower Blades Blade Removal WorkbenchCleaning the Battery and Cables Check Rider Safety SystemOperational Safety Checks Service interval 100 HoursCheck / Adjust PTO Clutch Service interval 200 HoursAdjustment Window Qty , one shown B. Adjustment Nut Adjustment NutChange Engine OIL & Filter Check Engine OIL LevelChange Engine OIL AiR Filter & PRE-CLEANER Air Filter Latch Air Filter CoverReplace Spark Plug Air Filter ServicePre=Cleaner Service Ground Speed Control Lever AdjustmentSpeed Balancing Adjustment Cutting Height Adjustment PTO Clutch AdjustmentBrake Adjustment Battery ChargingMower Deck Leveling Adjustments Side to Side LevelingBackside idler Pulley Mower Belt ReplacementFront To Back Leveling STO RAG E Troubleshooting Rider Troubleshooting MowerRider will not Mower cut isZTS Hardware Garantja Limitada DEL Equipo Montable DE CraftsmanTransporte Y Almacenamento Operacion EN Cuestas Equipo RElVlOLCADO Unidades MontaSERViCiO Y MANTENilVllENTO Interruptor Calcomania Peligro/Advertencia, inferiorIdentificaci6n Recolector de Hierba con Bolsa Gemela Faro delantero 2s uMOperador FrescaAhogador Palancas de velocidad en sueloFreno de parada Interruptor de Encendido Medidor de HorasInterruptor PTO Ajuste de AJtura de Corte de PodadoraAdvertencia Reiviolques Nunca permita que pasajeros se paseen en la unidadManualmente MotorComo Arrancar EL Motor PR. ,CTICA DE Ivianejo Traslado sin prob=Lemas Manejo Hacia Manejo en AdelantePrbctica de dar Vuelta en una Esquina Ejecutar un Giro Cero al Final de la FilaVuelta en el Mismo Lugar Prctica de Vuelta en el LugarRemocion E Instalacion DE LA Cubierta DE LA Podadora Quitar la Cubierta de la PodadoraInstalar la Cubierta de la Podadora Instalar o quitar la podadoraAnual ProgramaDEL MONTABLE, de todos Los Antes de TRO DE AIREA. Rejilla de Admisi6n Intervalo de Servicio 25 horasLUBRICACI6N AceitePara su seguridad personal, los tornillos de OperacionIntervalo de Servicio 200 horas Si la unidad no pasa una prueba de seguridadVERIFICAR/AJUSTAR Embrague DEL PTO Verifique EL Nivel DE Aceite DEL Motor Predepurador SERVlCIO DEL Filtro DE Airey DEL PRERemoci6n e instalaci6n del filtro de aire Servicio del prepurificador Servicio del filtro de aireReemplace LA BUJiA DE Encendido = Prepurificador Filtro de airePernos de Montaje Perilla Ajuste DE Palanca DE ControlDE Velocidad Ajuste DE LA Altura DE Corte Ajuste DEL Embrague DEL PTOAjuste DEL Freno Ajustes DEL MotorTuerca Exterior Ajuste DE Nivel DE LA Cubierta DE LA PodadoraNivelado de un Lado a Otto Nivelado de Adelante hacia Atrs Polea Derecha del Arbol de SujecJ6nAdvertencia Consumo de Diagn6sticoDel Tractor Diagn6stico de la Podadora RepairParts Frame, Body & Seat Group ZTS 7500Footnotes Frame Body & Seat GroupZTS PTS-4 Frame, Body & Seat Group ZTS REF no Part NO. QTY. DescriptionUtch Engine Group 19HP Briggs & Stratton ZTS 7500Engine Group 19HP Briggs Stratton 987321 REF noCarrier & Transmission Group ZTS 7500 1618Frame Assembly Carrier Transmission Group 987362Carrier & Transmission Group ZTS 7500 Carrier Transmission Group Refno Partno QTY DescriptionControls Group ZTS 7500Controls Group 986806 Refno QTY DescriptionHeadlightSwitch Seatpan Optional Electrical Group ZTS 7500Electrical Group QTY DescriptionTorque to 44 55 ft. Ibs Or 59.4 74.8 Nm PTS-16 REF no QTY Description Decals Group D987352 987357987358986884986857987350 ZTS 7500 Decals Group D987352 987357987358986884986857987350 QTY DescriptionMower Deck Clutch & Support Group Mower Deck Clutch Support Group No Part no QTY DescriptionMower Deck Height Adjustment Group ZTS 7500 Mower Deck Height Adjustment Group 987324 Mower Deck Housing, Arbors & Blades Group ZTS 7500 Mower Deck Housing Arbors Blades Group 987322 221 13J 868@1266A Engine Parts Part DescriptionBriggs & Stratton Engine Parts ZTS 7500 = Model No Hardware identification& TorqueSpecifications PTS Sears Installation Service Repair Protection AgreementsAcuerdo de Protecci6n de Reparaciones Servicio de Jnstalaci6n de SearsCall anytime, day or night U.S.A. and Canada Call anytime, day or night U.S.A. only