Craftsman 107.27768 General Operating Safety, Ignition Switch, Hour Meter, PTO Switch, Fuel Tank

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Mower Height of Cut Adjustment

To adjust cutting height, rotate the turn crank clockwise to raise the mower deck and counterclockwise to lower the mower deck.

ignition Switch

The ignition switch starts and stops the engine; it has three positions:

OFF Stops the engine and shuts off the electrical system.

RUN Allows the engine to run and powers the electrical system.

START Cranks the engine for starting.

NOTE." Never leave the ignition switch in the RUN posi- tion with the engine stopped. This drains the battery.

BHour Meter

The hour meter measures the number of hours the key has been in the RUN position.

NOTE." The hour meter will register the passage of time when the key is in the RUN position, even if the engine is not running.

PTO Switch

The PTO (Power Take-Off) switch engages and disen- gages the mower deck. To turn the mower on, pull the switch UP. Push the switch DOWN to turn the mower off. Note that the operator must be seated firmly in the rider seat for the PTO to function.

Transmission Release Levers

The transmission release levers deactivate the transmis- sions so that the unit can be pushed by hand. See PUSHING THE UNIT BY HAND for operational informa- tion.

Fuel Tank

To remove the cap, turn counterclockwise.


Before first time operation:

Be sure to read all information in the Safety and Operation sections before attempting to operate this rider and mower.

Become familiar with all of the controls and how to stop the unit.

Drive in an open area without mowing to become accus- tomed to driving the unit.


if you do not understand how a specific control functions, or have not yet thoroughly read the CONTROL FUNCTIONS section, do so now.

Do NOT attempt to operate the rider without first

becoming familiar with the location and function of ALL controls.


Image 11
Contents Operators Manual Inside Back ServiceIdentification General Operation Ignition System Service and Maintenance Rotating Blades Safety & Operation DecalsHeight Adjustment \,CRAFTSMAN Two Bin Bagger Headlight Kit Front Bumper Kit Setup instructionsRead The Operators Control Functions Hour Meter General Operating SafetyIgnition Switch PTO SwitchDo not stop or park rider over dry leaves, grass or Checks Before StartingFuel Recommendations Mowing Emergency StoppingStopping the Rider & Engine Starting the EngineLevers Gradually Forward TravelSmooth Travel Forward Travel PracticePractice Turning in Place Practice Turning Around a CornerExecuting Turns Turning In Place Executing an End=Of=Row Zero TurnRemoving the Mower Deck Mower Deck Removal InstallationInstalling the Mower Deck 19HP Briggs & Stratton Maintenance ScheduleAll ModelsPressure Clean Debris from Rider and Engine CompartmentClean Debris from Engine Cooling Areas and AIR Filter Checktire PressureArbor Lubrication 3-Blade Model Shown Service Interval 25 hoursBlade Removal Workbench Clean Deck Check / Replace Mower BladesService interval 100 Hours Cleaning the Battery and CablesCheck Rider Safety System Operational Safety ChecksAdjustment Nut Check / Adjust PTO ClutchService interval 200 Hours Adjustment Window Qty , one shown B. Adjustment NutChange Engine OIL & Filter Check Engine OIL LevelChange Engine OIL Air Filter Latch Air Filter Cover AiR Filter & PRE-CLEANERReplace Spark Plug Air Filter ServicePre=Cleaner Service Ground Speed Control Lever AdjustmentSpeed Balancing Adjustment Battery Charging Cutting Height AdjustmentPTO Clutch Adjustment Brake AdjustmentSide to Side Leveling Mower Deck Leveling AdjustmentsBackside idler Pulley Mower Belt ReplacementFront To Back Leveling STO RAG E Troubleshooting Rider Mower cut is TroubleshootingMower Rider will notZTS Garantja Limitada DEL Equipo Montable DE Craftsman HardwareTransporte Y Almacenamento Equipo RElVlOLCADO Unidades Monta Operacion EN CuestasSERViCiO Y MANTENilVllENTO Calcomania Peligro/Advertencia, inferior InterruptorIdentificaci6n 2s u Recolector de Hierba con Bolsa Gemela Faro delanteroFresca MOperadorAhogador Palancas de velocidad en sueloFreno de parada Ajuste de AJtura de Corte de Podadora Interruptor de EncendidoMedidor de Horas Interruptor PTONunca permita que pasajeros se paseen en la unidad Advertencia ReiviolquesManualmente MotorComo Arrancar EL Motor Manejo Hacia Manejo en Adelante PR. ,CTICA DE IvianejoTraslado sin prob= LemasPrctica de Vuelta en el Lugar Prbctica de dar Vuelta en una EsquinaEjecutar un Giro Cero al Final de la Fila Vuelta en el Mismo LugarInstalar o quitar la podadora Remocion E Instalacion DE LA Cubierta DE LA PodadoraQuitar la Cubierta de la Podadora Instalar la Cubierta de la PodadoraAnual ProgramaDEL MONTABLE, de todos Los Antes de Intervalo de Servicio 25 horas TRO DE AIREA. Rejilla de Admisi6nAceite LUBRICACI6NOperacion Para su seguridad personal, los tornillos deSi la unidad no pasa una prueba de seguridad Intervalo de Servicio 200 horasVERIFICAR/AJUSTAR Embrague DEL PTO Verifique EL Nivel DE Aceite DEL Motor Predepurador SERVlCIO DEL Filtro DE Airey DEL PRERemoci6n e instalaci6n del filtro de aire Prepurificador Filtro de aire Servicio del prepurificadorServicio del filtro de aire Reemplace LA BUJiA DE Encendido =Pernos de Montaje Perilla Ajuste DE Palanca DE ControlDE Velocidad Ajustes DEL Motor Ajuste DE LA Altura DE CorteAjuste DEL Embrague DEL PTO Ajuste DEL FrenoTuerca Exterior Ajuste DE Nivel DE LA Cubierta DE LA PodadoraNivelado de un Lado a Otto Polea Derecha del Arbol de SujecJ6n Nivelado de Adelante hacia AtrsAdvertencia Consumo de Diagn6sticoDel Tractor Diagn6stico de la Podadora RepairParts ZTS 7500 Frame, Body & Seat GroupFootnotes Frame Body & Seat GroupZTS PTS-4 REF no Part NO. QTY. Description Frame, Body & Seat Group ZTSEngine Group 19HP Briggs & Stratton ZTS 7500 UtchREF no Engine Group 19HP Briggs Stratton 9873211618 Carrier & Transmission Group ZTS 7500Carrier Transmission Group 987362 Frame AssemblyCarrier & Transmission Group ZTS 7500 Refno Partno QTY Description Carrier Transmission GroupZTS 7500 Controls GroupRefno QTY Description Controls Group 986806Electrical Group ZTS 7500 HeadlightSwitch Seatpan OptionalQTY Description Electrical GroupTorque to 44 55 ft. Ibs Or 59.4 74.8 Nm PTS-16 REF no QTY Description Decals Group D987352 987357987358986884986857987350 ZTS 7500 QTY Description Decals Group D987352 987357987358986884986857987350Mower Deck Clutch & Support Group No Part no QTY Description Mower Deck Clutch Support GroupMower Deck Height Adjustment Group ZTS 7500 Mower Deck Height Adjustment Group 987324 Mower Deck Housing, Arbors & Blades Group ZTS 7500 Mower Deck Housing Arbors Blades Group 987322 221 868@ 13J1266A Part Description Engine PartsBriggs & Stratton Engine Parts ZTS 7500 = Model No Hardware identification& TorqueSpecifications PTS Servicio de Jnstalaci6n de Sears Sears Installation ServiceRepair Protection Agreements Acuerdo de Protecci6n de ReparacionesCall anytime, day or night U.S.A. only Call anytime, day or night U.S.A. and Canada