Black & Decker CM 1836, CM1836R instruction manual

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apparence fraîche en évitant une accumulation dʼherbes coupées brunies et laides. Cette technique aide également à préserver la charge de la batterie de la tondeuse électrique sans fil Black & Decker.

11. Au printemps et à lʼautomne lorsque lʼherbe est plus longue et épaisse, il est possible dʼutiliser la tondeuse sans quʼelle soit complètement chargée (c.-à-d., lorsque le voyant vert est allumé). Une telle pratique permet dʼaccomplir des coupes courtes et rapides, mais il nʼest pas recommandé de le faire souvent. La batterie ainsi que la tondeuse fonctionnent beaucoup mieux à pleine charge.

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Contents Instructionmanual Please Read Before Returning this Product for ANY ReasonRead ALL Instructions Never leave a running mower unattendedInserting safetykey Skid footwear are recommended when working outdoorsDry,clean, and free from oil andgrease Interference by one or more of the following measuresUSE of Extension Cords VoltsFunctional Description Preparation Unpacking Figures A1, A2Assembling the Grass Catcher Figur ES D 1, D2, D3 AssemblyHandle Assembly Figure B Against the handleCharger Safety Rules Wheel Height Adjustment 1-1/4 in mm to 2 in mm Figure EBattery Recommended Approximate Cutting HeightOperation Charging PROCEDURE- Figures F & GRemove safety key F-1 Know Your MowerInstalling Mulch Insert ON-OFF Switch Bail Handle Figure HSafety Shield and Rear Door Figure Installing Grass Catcher Figure J & KMowing Tips MaintenanceParts. When servicing use only Identical Replacement Parts Mulching Mowing TipsBlade Sharpening Removing and Installing Blade Figure LWhen Sharpening the Blade To Sharpen Blade in a ViseBlade Balancing CleaningService and Installation LubricationDeck Warranty Service InformationFull Two-Year Home Use Warranty Mower perform much better ifchargedfullyCenter for Servicing Problem SolutionAuthorized service center Black & Decker U.S. IncGuide D’UTILISATION Lire Toutes CES Directives DesAVISdommages matérielsÉloigner le plus possible le matériel du récepteur Ceptible dʼentraîner un fonctionnement indésirableRéorienter ou repositionner lʼantenne de réception Manuel et indiqués sur la machineAttacher les cheveux longs Bon calibre à utiliser, consulter le tableau suivantIdentiques Tenir LES Mains et les pieds éloignés de la zone de coupeDescription Fonctionnelle PréparationDéballage Illustrations A1, A2 ÉtapeAssemblage Ensemble DE Poignée figure BLʼautre côté 89 MM 1 1/4 PO À 3 1 /2 PO Figure E RecommandéeRéglage DE LA Hauteur DES Roues DE 32 MM Hauteur Approximative DE CoupeRègles DE Sécurité Pour LE Chargeur Procédure DE Charge FIG. F & GDébrancher LE Chargeur Avant Toute Tentative DE Nettoyage CLÉ DE Sûreté FonctionnementConnaître SA Tondeuse MANETTE-ÉTRIER FIG. HInstallation DE LʼINSERT DE Déchiquetage Installation DU Collecteur DʼHERBEConseils Pour Tondre LA Pelouse Conseils Pour LE Déchiquetage Retrait ET Installation DE LA Lame FIG. LEntretien Pleine ChargeLors DE LʼAFFÛTAGE DE LA Lame Affûtage DE LA LameSʼASSURER QUE LA CLÉ DE Sûreté EST Retirée Affûtage DE LA Lame Dans UN ÉtauNettoyage Équilibrage DE LA LameGraissage Prévention DE LA CorrosionLʼUTILISATION DE Votre Tondeuse Sans FIL Entretien ET InstallationVoici Quelques Conseils Pratiques Pour Optimiser Black & DECKER... ET Obtenir UNE Pelouse DE RêvePage Guide DE Dépannage RemarqueManual DE Instrucciones Información Clave QUE Debe ConocerLEA Todas LAS Instrucciones Utilice EL Aparato Adecuado Peligro Advertencias Adicionales Para Podadoras Descripción DE LAS Funciones PreparaciónDesembalaje Figuras A1, A2 PasoEnsamblaje Ensamblaje DEL Mango Figura BFuera De la caja Figura E Procedimiento DE CARGA- Figuras F & G BateríaNormas DE Seguridad DEL Cargador Sección DE Almacenamiento Fuera DE TemporadaLlave DE Seguridad OperaciónConozca LA Podadora Para Encender LA PodadoraCómo Retirar LA Pieza Para Mantillo Sobrecarga DE LA PodadoraProtección Y Puerta Trasera DE Seguridad Figura Cómo Instalar LA Pieza Para MantilloColocar el recolector de césped Consejos CON Respecto a LA Tarea DE CorteConsejos Para EL Corte DEL Césped Para Formar Mantillo Lentamente. Asegúrese Siempre DE QUE LA Hoja Este AfiladaCómo Afilar LA Hoja MantenimientoCómo Extraer E Instalar LA Hoja -FIGURA L TerrenoCómo Evitar LA Corrosión Posición DE AlmacenamientoAlmacenamiento DE LA Unidad Fuera DE Temporada Mantenimiento E InstalaciónEL Sello Rbrc Problema Solución Product Infomation · Identificación DEL Producto Años DE Garantia Esta Garantia no Aplica CuandoSolamente Para Propositos DE Mexico

CM1836R, CM 1836 specifications

The Black & Decker CM1836R, also known as the CM1836, is a well-regarded cordless lawn mower designed to provide homeowners with a convenient and efficient lawn care solution. This mower is particularly favored for its combination of power, portability, and ease of use, making it ideal for maintaining medium-sized lawns.

One of the standout features of the CM1836 is its powerful 36-volt battery system. This lithium-ion battery offers ample runtime to mow up to a quarter of an acre on a single charge, making it perfect for residential use. The battery is removable, allowing for easy charging or swapping with an additional battery, which can extend mowing time without the need for long cords.

Another significant technology incorporated in the CM1836 is its Efficient Design. The mower includes a 18-inch cutting deck, which strikes a balance between sufficient cutting width and maneuverability. This makes it suitable for navigating tighter spaces in your yard while still providing a respectable cutting area. Additionally, the mower is equipped with an adjustable cutting height with options ranging from 1 to 3 inches, allowing users to customize the cut based on their lawn's needs.

The CM1836 also features a lightweight design, weighing in at around 38 pounds. This makes it easy to push and maneuver, reducing fatigue during longer mowing sessions. The mower’s handle is foldable, which not only enhances portability but also makes storage more convenient.

In terms of maintenance, the Black & Decker CM1836 excels with its ease of upkeep. The mower employs a durable, impact-resistant deck material that withstands the rigors of regular use. There are no gas engines or oil to maintain, which significantly reduces the hassle associated with traditional mowers. Moreover, the mower's design allows for easy access to the cutting blade, facilitating straightforward blade maintenance.

Safety is also a priority in the design of the CM1836. It includes a safety switch that prevents the mower from starting accidentally, ensuring that users can operate it with confidence.

Overall, the Black & Decker CM1836R/CM1836 presents a user-friendly option for those seeking a reliable and efficient cordless mower, blending modern technology with functional design to deliver a powerful lawn care tool.