Alamo Industrial ™ Technical Services Department
1502 East Walnut
Seguin, Texas 78155
Models: All New Holland Tractors with Alamo Industrial Mounted Booms
Bulletin No:
Apr. 29, 1996
Dead Batteries on New tractors:
There have been several reports recently of dealers receiving machines with dead batteries, some of which could not be satisfactorily recharged. Please see the attached copy of a tag which is coming with the new tractors.
The "small electrical discharge" being mentioned amounts to a constant drain on the battery. If the battery cable (+ Post) is left connected for a long enough time with the tractor inactive, the battery will become sulfated (permanently damaged) and will not accept a charge. Sulfated batteries are not warranted through the battery manufacturer.
At present, the only alternative to removing the battery cable would to be install a battery disconnect switch in the negative cable, which would allow the battery to be easily isolated. These switches are available at most major tractor dealers. USE CAUTION when installing any thing on battery cables, disconnect the positive cable before installing disconnect switch and make sure after switch is installed that it is "OFF" before reconnecting Positive Cable.
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Your new Tractor has electronics which cause a very small electrical demand on the battery. If the tractor in not in use for an extended period, disconnect battery to avoid damage by excessive discharge.
Recharge Battery if voltage is less than 12.3V (S.G. less than 1.140)
Lataa Akku uudelleen, jos jannite on alle 12.3V (ominaispaino alle 1.140)
Ricaricare la batteria se il voltaggio e inferiore a 12.3V (G.S. inferiore a 1.140)
Batteria recarregavel se a voltagem for inferior a 12.3V (Gravidade especifca inferior a 1.140)
Laddt de batterijweer op wanneer de voltage lager is dan 12.3V (S.G. Minder dan 1.140)
Recharger la batterie si la tension est inferieure a 12.3V (Densite inferieure a 1.140)
Batterie wieder aufladen. wenn spanning unter 12.3V (Spez gewicht unter 1.1.40 IST)
Recarcar la bateria si el voltage es inferior a 12.3V (S.G. inferior a 1.1.40)
Batteriet ma lades opp hvis spenningen er mindre enn 12.3V (Spesifikk vekt under 1.1.40)
Part No. 82001815
This document does not authorize the repair or replacement of parts under warranty
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