Alamo Industrial ™ Technical Services Department
1502 East Walnut
Seguin, Texas 78155
Models: All Machete Boom , MB21 & MB24 All Slope Mowers
Bulletin No:
Apr. 13, 1998
Eleminate Erratic Boom movement:
(which utilize the joystick operated proportional valve system)
Procedures to eliminate erratic boom operation caused by microwave interference from customer installed
There have been some scattered reports in regards to erratic or unexpected movement of one or more of the proportionally controlled boom functions of the joystick control system during the operation of the customer installed
Specifically, the Swing , Lift or Dipper functions may operate at a speed of one foot of movement every 10 to 20 seconds, depending on the function and direction, when the radio microphone is keyed.
Research and experiments with machines in the field has revealed that this phenomenon is the reception of the signal transmitted by the radio passing through the variable controls of the boom control system. Specifically, the wire harness of the control system acts much like a receiving antenna and receives the radio signal which sends a false signal through harness.
Elimination of the interference may be obtained with the use of at least of three possible options:
1.Remove the radio from the tractor completely.
2.Install a reflecting plate under the Antenna. A reflecting plate is simply a thin, flat piece of metal which provides the proper amount of impedance to essentialy reflect the signal emanating down from the antenna and prevent interference with the valve electronics and tractor functions. Since the installation requires a fairly large (at least 36" square) area, the specially designed reflecting or "ground plane tape" can be used in place of the metal sheet for easier installation. this tape is available at most electronics or radio equipment sources.
3.Utilize a ground plane antenna. These specially designed antenna utilize the standard central radial element and at least two other radials set at 45° angles to the central one. These radials must be cut to specific lengths depending on the frequency of the system. Only a professional radio installer or retailer should be consulted in regard to the avaialbility and proper installation of these antenna.
The installation, operation, and resulting effects to the tractor or any attachment due to the addition of a radio system to any machine is the responsibility of the machine owner and the radio installer. Only trained, profesional radio installers should be utilized.
This document does not authorize the repair or replacement of parts under warranty
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