♦If the neutral lock latches are not completely engaged the drive levers could unexpectedly slip into the forward drive position.
♦If the drive levers slip into the drive position, the unit could lurch forward and cause injury or property damage.
♦Be sure the pins protruding through the slots of each neutral lock latch are completely engaged in the rear slot of each latch.
To place the drive levers in the drive position, firmly hold the drive levers, place thumbs on the upper portion of the neutral lock latches and move them forward to release drive levers. Slowly and carefully release the drive levers.
For ECS Handles: To lock the drive levers in neutral, squeeze the drive levers back to the neutral position (Do Not squeeze the drive levers all the way back as this will cause the drive wheels to go into full reverse direction). Place thumbs on the inner thumb lobe of the neutral lock latches and push downward, moving them under the drive levers. Release drive levers (See Figure 7).
♦If the neutral lock latches are not completely engaged the drive levers could unexpectedly slip into the forward drive position.
♦If the drive levers slip into the drive position, the unit could lurch forward and cause injury or property damage.
♦Be sure the drive levers are past the roller and securely seated at the bottom of the neutral lock latches.
To place the drive levers in the drive position, slightly squeeze the drive levers while placing thumbs on the outer thumb lobe of the neutral lock latches and push forward moving them out from under the drive levers. Slowly and carefully release the drive levers.
4.3.5Drive Wheel Engagement/Turning: With drive levers locked in neutral, shift speed control lever to desired forward speed. Slowly squeeze and hold both drive levers in the neutral position and move both neutral lock latches from the neutral lock position. Do Not squeeze both drive levers all the way back, this will cause the drive wheels to be engaged in the reverse direction.
For straight ahead motion, smoothly release both drive levers to engage drive wheels.
Squeeze the right hand drive lever to turn right and the left hand drive lever to turn left.
To make a “zero turn”, squeeze either the left hand or the right hand drive lever back into the reverse position while the opposite drive lever is in a forward position at an equal but opposite speed.
To back up, squeeze both drive levers into the reverse position.
For smooth operation of this machine, avoid quick, jerky movements of the drive levers. Move the drive levers smoothly and deliberately.
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