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Samsung SM-P580 SM-P580NZKAKSA Entering text, S Finder, Keyboard layout, Searching for content on the device, Setting search categories, Changing the input language

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S Finder

Search for a wide variety of content with a keyword.

Searching for content on the device

Open the notification panel and tap S Finder.

Enter a keyword in the search field or tap and say a keyword.

To get more refined results, tap Filter under the search field, and then select filter details.

Setting search categories

You can set search categories to search for content in specific search fields.

Tap MORE Select search locations and select categories.

Entering text

Keyboard layout

A keyboard appears automatically when you enter text to send emails, create memos, and more.

Text entry is not supported in some languages. To enter text, you must change the input language to one of the supported languages.

Enter uppercase. For all caps, tap it twice.

Enter punctuation marks.

Switch to handwriting mode.

Delete a preceding character.

Break to the next line.

Move the cursor.

Enter a space.

Changing the input language

Tap and hold , tap Add input languages, and then select the languages to use. When you select two or more languages, you can switch between the input languages by swiping to the left or right on the space key.



