My 12-Voltair shakes a lot.
1.Check to make sure there is adequate belt tension. You should have anywhere from 1/4” - 3/8” movement when applying 50% pressure to the belt directly between the motor and pump pulleys
2.Check to make sure that the motor and compressor are securely fastened to the frame. Make sure that bolts have not come loose.
My 12-Voltair runs but is not able to pump up any pressure
1.Check to see if you have any external air leaks
-Disconnect any air storage tanks and plug tank supply line and run compressor to see if pressure builds up
-If this fixes the problem you have a leak that needs to be fixed
My 12-voltair just starts - stops - starts - stops
1.You probably don’t have an external air storage supply tank. The compressor is shutting down with 150 PSI in the air lines and a small leak is draining the pressure down to 125 PSI and the compressor is kicking back on to build the pressure back up to 150 PSI.
My compressor runs fast at beginning but sounds like it slows down after it has run for 5, 10, 15 minutes.
Step 1 Recharge battery to make sure you have a good full charge if the problem still exists- STEP 2 STEP 2 Replace battery with a new battery. See battery facts on page 8 - if this does not
fix that problem- STEP 3
STEP 3 Check your alternator.
OPTION 1- Take it to a mechanic for him to check
OPTION 2- With an DC amp meter and the vehicle running, check the wire between the battery and the alternator to see if the alternator is charging
When running the
BATTERY- check the steps above to diagnose a problem
How do I adjust my pressure switch
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