DeviceNet Network Scanner DVPDNET-SL
Explanations on devices
PLC device Content 15 14 13 12 11 10 98765 4 3 2 1 0
D6250 0101Hex ReqID = 01Hex Command = 01Hex
D6251 0005Hex Port = 00Hex Size = 05Hex
D6252 0E02Hex Service Code = 0EHex MAC ID = 02Hex
D6253 0001Hex High bye of Class ID =00Hex Low byte of Class ID = 01Hex
D6254 0001Hex High byte of Instance ID =
Low byte of Instance ID =
editing area
D6255 0001Hex N/A Attribute ID = 01Hex
D6000 0101Hex ReqID = 01Hex Status = 01Hex
D6001 0002Hex Port = 00Hex Size = 02Hex
D6002 8E02Hex Service Code = 8EHex MAC ID = 02Hex
editing area
D6003 031FHex High byte of Service Data =
Low byte of Service Data =
3> PLC program
MOV H0101 D6250
ZRST D6250 D6281
MOV H0005 D6251
MOV H0E02 D6252
MOV H0100 D6253
MOV H0100 D6254
MOV H0100 D6255
ZRST D6000 D6031
Reset response message editing area
& request message editing area
ReqID = 01, Command = 01
Port = 00, Size = 05
Servic e Code = 0E, MAC ID = 02
Class ID to be read = 01
Instance ID to be read = 01
Attribute ID to be read = 01
4> Program explanations:
In the beginning of the program, clear the response message editing area and request message
editing area to 0.
When M0 = On, DVPDNET-SL will send out request message, reading Class 1>>Instance 1>>
Attribute 1 of the target equipment (node address: 02). If the communication of explicit message is
successful, the slave will return with a response message.
When M0 = On, DVPDNET-SL will only send out request message once. If you would like it to send out
request message again, you will have to change ReqID.
When the reading is successful, the message responded from the target equipment will be stored in
D6000 ~ D6003.
DVP-PLC Operation Manual