DeviceNet Network Scanner DVPDNET-SL
Set value Explanation
02-00 4 Transmit the frequency of VFD-L via RS485
02-01 3 Control operation of VFD-L via RS485
09-00 1 Set the node address of VFD-L in Modbus to 1.
09-01 1 Set the communication rate of VFD-L in Modbus 9600
09-04 1 Set the communication format of VFD-L in Modbus to
7, E, 1, ASCII.
10.2 How to Configure Network by DeviceNet Network Configuration Tool 1) Configuration of DeviceNet slave
1> Open DeviceNet Builder software and select “Setup” => “Communication Setting” => “System
Channel”, and the “Serial Port Setting” dialog box will appear as below.
2> Set up the communication parameters in the PC and DVP-SV, e.g. the communication port, address,
baud rate and communication format. Click on “OK” after configuration is finished.
Item Function Default
COM Port COM port on the PC to be used to
communicate with DVP-SV COM1
Address Communication address of DVP-SV 01
Baud rate Communication speed between the PC and
DVP-SV 9,600 (bps)
Data Bits 7
Parity Even Parity
Stop Bit
Communication protocol between the PC
and DVP-SV
Mode Communication mode between the PC and
DVP-PLC Operation Manual