AT Command Set for the 3Com Impact Digital Modem B-3
\S Read on-line status: command
settings (AT \S)
Reads the status of any parameters that
have been modified through AT
\T Link inactivity timer (AT \T1) \T0 disables inactivity timer (default).
\Tn link inactivity timer in minutes. The
digital modem automatically disconnects
the call if no activity is sensed within n
(n = 0–255) minutes.
V Result code format (AT V0) V0 enables short form result codes.
V1 enables long form result codes
&W Stores configuration (AT &W) Stores the configuration of all S registers
that are not part of the digital modem
initial configuration set.
Z Reset (AT Z) Disconnects all calls in progress and
performs a complete digital modem
system reset.
+++ Enter command state Causes digital modem to enter the
command state if it is currently in the
on-line state.
$B Set baud rate (AT $B57600) 0 — Autobaud (default). Other settings
are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600, and 115200.
%V Show version number (AT %V) Displays digital modem firmware version.
Table B-1 AT Command Set Summary (continued)
Command Function (Example) Description