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8  English

Bair Hugger Model 505 Temperature Management Unit Operator’s Manual

Set up and Operation

The Bair Hugger brand Total Temperature Management system is easy to set up and to use. Follow the instructions provided with each Bair Hugger blanket or Bair Paws gown for specific information.

1.Place the blanket or gown on the patient with the perforated side (the side with small holes) against the patient’s skin.

2.Insert the hose of the temperature management unit in the hose port on the blanket or gown. Use a twisting motion to ensure a snug fit (see Figure A).

3.Connect the unit to a properly grounded power source.

4.Press the System ON/STANDBY button to turn the unit ON and select the appropriate temperature setting.

5.You may place a cotton blanket over the blanket or gown for maximum effectiveness.

Figure A.

6.Monitor the temperature and cutaneous response of patients who are incapable of reacting, communicating and/or who are without a sense of feeling every 10-20 minutes or according to institutional protocol. Monitor the patient’s vital signs regularly.

Figure B. Model 505 unit attached to a bedrail

Figure C. Model 505 unit attached to an IV pole

3M Patient Warming 3M Health Care.