Customizing set-up parameters in DMS
Auto Run setting
053-644, Rev H Page 28 eg4
Auto Run setting
With the Edge auto run setting, you may program up to two auto start and auto stop configurations when
start date and duration parameters are enabled. This may be useful if you wish to pre-set the
instruments to run and stop for a specific time period, such as a week long study. See steps below to
1. Click on the Auto Run tab from the Edge’s Instrument Configuration panel (see 1) and click in the
Enable auto run mode checkbox (see 2).
2. To program Date 1, click in the Enabled checkbox and select a Start Date (by using the calendar
icon or type in a date). Select the Duration, by either typing in the time (designated in hours,
minutes, and seconds) or using the up/down arrows (see 3). (Repeat this step to setup a second
Auto run mode, except select Date 2. See 4.)
3. Click the button to set the auto run setting (for more details, see Saving and sending
Note: On the Edge, Power Off the instrument when the configuration is set in order to
auto-start the instrument.
Figure 3-9: Edge auto run screen