The display uses icons to convey | Other List Icons |
information about calls, Directory |
entries, Callers, and services. | You are viewing the |
| Redial List. |
Icons in the Callers List |
| |
You are viewing the | You are viewing the | |
Options List. | ||
Callers List. | ||
You answered the call when it came in.
| You did not answer the |
| Icons in the Services List | ||||
| |||||||
| call when it came in. |
| You are viewing the |
| ||||||
| |
| You were on another |
| Services List. |
| |||||||
| call when this call came |
| |
| in. |
| Press 4 or 3for more | |
| |
| You have returned the |
| information. |
| ||
| |||||||
| call from the Callers |
| Service information is | |
| ||
| List. |
| |
| being downloaded to | |
| |
| Call was received on |
| your telephone. |
| Line 1. |
| |
| Call was received on |
| Line 2. |
Icons in the Directory
You are viewing the
You pressed the Flash softkey, or Flash has been programmed into a number.
You pressed the Pause softkey or oor a pause has been pro- grammed into a num- ber.
Model 392 User Guide 16