Section 4 - Technical Features
The following section provides a brief explanation of the most salient technical features of the
The original Philips TDA1541A
OptiSignal® conditioning circuit has optimised every single operating parameter of the Philips TDA1541A including off as well as onboard circuits.
OptiSample® digital engine is AMR’s incorporation of the most advanced digital filter yet: the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) engine from Texas Instruments.
OptiClockLock® system ensures all the clocks in the
OptiDrive® transport mechanism ensures reading of the compact disk is virtually without errors or jitter.
OptiReg® digital power supply is the employment of 14 different, but specifically designed regulators that combine to virtually eliminate digital noise.
OptiValve® analogue output stage uses NOS valves in dedicated circuits for the amplification, rectification and output stages.
OptiMains® will ensure the correct voltage is always supplied to the relevant internal
OptiTrans® power supply transformers are advanced double
For a more detailed explanation of these and other features, please go to: