
Chapter 3



3-4. Advanced Chipset Features Setup Menu

The Chipset Features Setup Menu is used to modify the contents of the buffers in the chipset on the motherboard. Since the parameters of the buffers are closely related to hardware, if the setup is not correct or is false, the motherboard will become unstable or you will not be able to boot up. If you don’t know the hardware very well, use default values (i.e. use the “Load Fail-Safe Defaults” or “Load Optimized Defaults” option).

Figure 3-5A. Advanced Chipset Features Setup Screen

You can use the arrow keys to move between the items. Use PgUP, PgDn, + or - key to change the values. When you have finished setting up the chipset, press <ESC> to go back to the main menu.


The parameters in this screen are for system designers, service personnel, and technically competent users only. Do not reset these values unless you understand the consequences of your changes.