one person with a transmitter should be within transmission range. The transmitter is switched to an active state only when it is being used for measurement. Sweat and other moisture can, however, keep the transmitter in an active state and waste battery energy. Therefore it is important to dry the electrodes carefully after use.

When selecting training attire, please note that some fibres used in clothes (e.g. polyester, polyamide) create static electricity, which may prevent reliable heart rate measurement. Please note that a mobile phone, television and other electrical appliances form an electromagnetic field around them, which will cause problems in heart rate measurement.

First find your maximum heart rate i.e. where the rate doesn’t increase with added effort. If you don’t know your maximum heart rate, please use the following formula as a guide:

220 - AGE

These are average values and the maximum varies from person to person. The maximum heart-rate diminishes on average by one point per year. If you belong to a risk group, ask a doctor to measure your maximum heart rate for you.

We have defined three different heart-rate zones to help you with targeted training.

BEGINNER: 50-60 % of maximum heart-rate

Also suitable for weight-watchers, convalescents and those who haven’t exercised for a long time. Three sessions a week of at least a half-hour each is recommended. Regular exercise considerably improves beginners’ respiratory and circulatory performance and you will quickly feel your improvement.

TRAINER: 60-70 % of maximum heart-rate

Perfect for improving and maintaining fitness. Even reasonable effort develops the heart and lungs effectively, training for a minimum of 30 minutes at least three times a week. To improve your condition still further, increase either frequency or effort, but not both at the same time!

ACTIVE TRAINER: 70-80 % of maximum heart-rate

Exercise at this level suits only the fittest and presupposes long-endurance workouts

O W N E R ' S M A N U A L C A R D I O C o n t r o l G B




The selection dial functions in two ways:

A)Rotating the dial (+ / -). By rotating the dial

clockwise, you can scroll the menus to the right, and increase values or resistance. By rotating the dial counter-clockwise, you can scroll the menus to the left, and decrease values or resistance.

B)Pressing the dial (ENTER). By pressing the dial, you can accept the selection you made when rotating the dial.


Starts, pauses, and stops training. During training, pressing this button once activates the pause mode. Pressing the button again starts the program again.


Single push: return to the program menu. Long

push: restarts the meter.


Calculates your recovery heart rate index.


Small window: Time (mm:ss), speed (km/h or ml/h), RPM (revolutions per min), distance (km or ml), energy consumption (kcal), heart rate (bpm) and power (W) are displayed.

Big window: Starts to automatically scan between the values of time – speed – RPM

distance – energy – heart rate – power every 6 seconds. Scanning can be stopped by pressing ENTER button. By pressing ENTER again you can change the big window to display information for the next value.



Set target time and/or distance and/or energy consumption and/or upper heart rate limit by using the SELECTION DIAL.

Start training by pressing START/STOP button.

If you have set target/targets, the target/targets start to count down. Adjust resistance with



Preset program profile is shown for two seconds while programs are browsed.

Cardio Control 2007_PUBLISHED v05 5

13.7.2007 10:37:55

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Image 5
Accell Cardio Control Beginner 50-60 % of maximum heart-rate, Console, Calculates your recovery heart rate index