Chapter 6 - Utilities 6-25
Set verification mode menu
This option allows you to specify whether your computer’s configuration should
be checked each time you make a change or only when you choose.
Select Automatic to have the computer’s configuration verified automatically
each time a change is made and have conflicts identified and resolved as they
Select Manual to verify your computer’s configuration only when you select the
<Verify> push-button on the Step 3: View or edit details screen. Note that the
<Verify> push-button displays only when the program is in Manual verification
Maintain SCI files menu
This option allows you to select from a menu of options regarding System
Configuration Information (SCI) files.
Select Open... to display a previously created System Configuration Information
(SCI) file.
This will cause the current configuration
information to be lost.
Select Save as... to save the current configuration information to a backup file.