AcerAltos 19000 User’s Guide
Basic System Configuration Page 2/2
Communication Settings
Baud Rate ..................... [9600] BPS
Parity ........................ [None]
Stop Bits ..................... [1] Bits
Data Length ................... [8] Bits
Enhanced IDE Features
Hard Disk Size > 504MB ........ [Disabled]
Hard Disk Block Mode .......... [Disabled ]
Large Memory Support Mode ......... [ Normal ]
Num Lock After Boot .............. [Enabled ]
Memory Test ......................[Disabled]
Auto Configuration Mode ........... [Disabled]
Fast Boot Mode ................... [Disabled]
↑↓ = Move Highlight Bar, → ← = Change Setting
PgDn/PgUp = Move Screen, Esc = Exit
The following sections explain the different parameters and their settings.
5.2.1 Date and TimeThe real-time clock keeps the system date and time. After setting the date and
time, you need not enter them every time you turn on the system. As long as the
internal battery remains good (approximately seven years) and connected, the
clock continues to keep the date and time accurately even when the power is off.