Chapter 7 - SCSISelect Configuration Utility 7-17
The SCSI controller BIOS must be enabled if you want the computer to boot from
a SCSI hard disk drive connected to the SCSI controller. Several SCSISelect
options cannot be used unless the SCSI controller BIOS is enabled.
Support Removable Disks Under BIOS as Fixed DisksThis option allows you to control which removable-media drives are supported
by the SCSI controller BIOS. It is only valid if the SCSI controller BIOS is enabled.
The default setting is Boot Only. The following choices are available:
• Boot Only – Only the removable-media drive designated as the boot device
are treated as a hard disk drive.
• All Disks – All removable-media drives supported by the BIOS are treated as
hard disk drives.
• Disabled – No removable-media drives are treated as hard disk drives. In
this situation, software drivers are needed because the drives are not
controlled by the BIOS.
Support for removable-media drives means
only that the SCSI controller BIOS allows
you to use a removable-media drive as if it
were a hard disk drive; it does not mean you
can remove the disk media during operation.
If a removable-media SCSI device is
controlled by the SCSI controller BIOS, do
not remove the media while the drive is
powered-on or you may lose data! If you
want to be able to remove media while the
power is on, install the removable-media
device driver and set this option to Disabled.