Actiontec electronic HPE100T user manual How many Adapters do I need to set up a network?

Models: HPE100T

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Chapter 4 Troubleshooting

No. The Adapter operates at a different frequency than other power line control devices and can co-exist with technologies such as X-10, CEBus, and LONworks.

Can my neighbor receive the Adapter’s network signal?

It is possible for a neighbor to receive the network signal. To prevent this, change the default 56-bit DES security encryption password on the Adapter (see chapter 3).

How do I find out what the current speed and signal strength of the Adapter’s network is?

Run the Adapter’s Configuration Utility to show current speed and signal strength.

How many Adapters do I need to set up a network?

Two, at minimum.

To set up the Adapter’s network correctly, do I have to install the Configuration Utility on each computer on the network?

No, the Configuration Utility is a diagnostic and security tool. Since the Adapter is fully plug-and-play compatible, it needs no software drivers to operate.

How many Adapters can be installed on the same LAN (local area network)?

Actiontec recommends using no more than 16 Adapters on one network.


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Actiontec electronic HPE100T user manual How many Adapters do I need to set up a network?