Actiontec electronic HPE100T user manual Enter the following numbers in the IP Address text box

Models: HPE100T

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Actiontec MegaPlug Ethernet Adapter User Manual

7.The “Local Area Connection Properties” window appears. Click General.

8.In the “Components checked are used by this connection” list box, double- click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).

9.The “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties” window appears.

10.In the General tab, make sure the circle next to “Obtain an IP Address auto- matically” is selected. When active, a black dot appears in the circle. If the circle already contains a black dot, leave it alone.

11.Enter the following numbers in the “IP Address” text box:

Press the space bar on the keyboard to add the periods between the numbers.


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Actiontec electronic HPE100T user manual Enter the following numbers in the IP Address text box