Actiontec electronic HPE100T user manual Using Configuration Utility, Quick Setup

Models: HPE100T

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Using the


Configuration Utility

Once the Adapters have been properly connected and installed, the user can further configure the Adapters using the Actiontec MegaPlug Configuration Utility. The Utility also provides information about the network. To access the Utility:

1.Click Start on the desktop, then Programs.

2.From the Programs menu, find “Actiontec MegaPlug,” then select MegaPlug Configuration Utility.

The Utility appears on the desktop. See the following sections for more informa- tion about the Utility’s capabilities.

Quick Setup

Selecting Quick Setup from the row of tabs near the top of the Utility’s window generates the “Quick Setup” tab.

Use this tab to quickly set up security on all MegaPlug devices on the network.


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Actiontec electronic HPE100T user manual Using Configuration Utility, Quick Setup