Actiontec electronic HPE100T user manual Connecting MegaPlug Adapter, Connecting the Adapters

Models: HPE100T

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Connecting the


MegaPlug Adapter

To connect the Adapter, it must be connected to a computer, plugged into a stan- dard wall outlet, and the Configuration Utility loaded on the computer.

Connecting the Adapters

To use the Adapters properly, two Adapters should be plugged into electrical out- lets, and devices (computers, printers, etc.) connected to them.

Connecting an Adapter to a Computer

1.Get an Adapter and one Ethernet cable.

2.Insert one end of the Ethernet cable into the Ethernet port of the Adapter.

3.Plug the Adapter into a wall outlet.

Note: Do not plug the Adapter into a UPS or power strip with surge protection. The Adapter’s network signal may not pass through these devices.

4.Insert the other end of the Ethernet cable into an Ethernet port on the back of a computer.

Connecting an Adapter to a Router/Gateway

1.Get an Adapter and one Ethernet cable.

2.Insert one end of the Ethernet cable into the Ethernet port of the Adapter.

3.Plug the Adapter into a wall outlet.

Note: Do not plug the Adapter into a UPS or power strip with surge protection. The Adapter’s network signal may not pass through these devices.

4.Insert the other end of the Ethernet cable into an Ethernet port on a router/ gateway connected to a computer.


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Actiontec electronic HPE100T user manual Connecting MegaPlug Adapter, Connecting the Adapters