Chapter 1 Introduction
USB-4718 offers 8 thermocouple inputs with 16-bit resolution, up to 0.1% input range accuracy, or 4~20 mA inputs. Reliable and rugged enough for industrial applications, yet inexpensive enough for home projects, USB-4718 is the perfect way to add measurement and control capability to any USB capable computer. The USB-4718 is fully USB plug and play and easy to use. It obtains all required power from the USB port, so no external power connection is ever required.
1.1 Features
USB-4718 has the most requested measurement & control functions:
•8 differential thermocouple input channels
•16 bits resolution
•Software configurable for thermocouple, low level voltage or current inputs.
•Wiring burned-out detectable function (Thermo mode)
•2,500 Vdc isolation
•Watchdog Timer
•Supports 0~20 & 4~20mA current inputs.
•Device status LED indicator
•Removable on-module wiring terminal
•USB 2.0 Support
•Hot swappable
Note: For detailed specifications of USB-4718, please refer to Appendix A, Specifications.
•Temperature measurement
•Industrial ON/OFF control
•Industrial and Lab. automation