4. ADAM-4550 Command Set

In order to avoid communication conflicts, all actions are instigated by the host computer when several devices attempt to send data at the same time . The basic form is a command/response protocol with the host initiating the sequence.

The host issues a command to a module with a specified address and waits a specific amount of time for the module to respond. If no re- sponse is received, a time-out command aborts the sequence and returns control to the host.


[delimiter character] [address] [command] [data] [carriage return]

Every command begins with a delimiter charac- ter. Most of the commands can use a $ (dollar sign) or a % (percentage sign), but the Data Pass mode command uses one of eight special char- acters. The delimiter character is followed by a

two-character address (hexadecimal) that spec- ifies the target module. Depending on the com- mand, an optional data string follows the com- mand string. Every command is terminated by a (cr) carriage return. Command sets are divid- ed into two categories: configuration mode commands and data pass mode commands:

ADAM-4550 User's Manual


Page 17
Image 17
Advantech user manual ADAM-4550 Command Set, Syntax