4.8. Read Data Gate Status
Description | Requests the module at address |
| AA to return data gate status. |
Syntax | &AAB(cr) |
Response | !AAS(cr) if the command is val- |
| id where |
| S = 1 open data gate |
| S = 0 close data gate |
| ?AA(cr) if an invalid command is |
| entered |
Example | Command: &0AB(cr) |
| Response: !0A0(cr) |
| The module returns that current |
| data gate status is close. |
4.9. Read Firmware Version
Description Requests to read the ADAM- 4550 firmware version number from the module at address AA.
Syntax $AAF(cr)
Response !AA(version number)(cr) if the command is valid
?AA(cr) if an invalid command is entered
Example Command: $0AF(cr)
Response: !0AA1.0(cr)
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