6.8 Drive Management Commands
The Diamond Storage Array ATA drives may be monitored or configured through the CLI using the commands listed below.
Sets the ATA disk to the specified state. Enter the sled number
In a Hot Spare configuration, a drive sled should only be taken offline if there is absolutely no activity on that drive. If there is any activity, the rebuild of the Hot Spare sled may be flawed.
Default: online
Set syntax: set AtaDiskState [sled number] [drive number] [online offline]
Get syntax: get AtaDiskState [sled number] [drive number]
If enabled, initiates an automatic rebuild of a “degraded” RAID group when a sled is replaced by a new sled. If disabled, you must manually rebuild the RAID configuration for the new sled by using RAIDManualRebuild.
Default: disabled
Set syntax: set AutoRebuild [enableddisabled] Requires a SaveConfiguration Restart command Get syntax: get AutoRebuild
Clears the data in the disk’s reserved area. Restarting the Diamond Storage Array is required for these settings to take effect. Omitting ReservedAreaIndex clears the entire reserved area. Enter the sled number
Immediate command: ClearDiskReservedAreaData [sled number] [drive number]
Copies a drive from the source disk to the destination disk. Parameters are the sled and drive numbers of the source and destination drives. The destination drive must be offline: use the ATADiskState command to determine if the disks are offline. If you choose the same source and destination drive, this command performs a DriveWipe.
Set syntax: DriveCopy [Source Sled] [Source Drive] [Destination Sled] [Destination Drive]
Get syntax: DriveCopyStatus
Stops a DriveCopy operation in progress.
Set syntax: DriveCopyHalt [Destination Sled] [Destination Drive]
Get syntax: DriveCopyStatus
Resumes a DriveCopy operation that had been stopped.
Set syntax: DriveCopyResume [Destination Sled] [Destination Drive]
Get syntax: DriveCopyStatus
Displays the status of a DriveCopy, DriveWipe or RAID5ClearData operation
Immediate command: DriveCopyStatus
Displays information about all disk drives or detailed information about a specific disk drive. Detailed information about an individual drive is obtained by supplying a drive identifier. For examples see Diagnostic Commands on page 39.
Get syntax: DriveInfo [sled ID] [drive ID]
Gets/sets power to the specified drive sled. Sled must be offline
Default: on
Set syntax: set DriveSledPower [sled number] [onoff]
Get syntax: get DriveSledPower [sled number]
ATTO Technology Inc. Diamond Storage Array Installation and Operation Manual