6.3 Ethernet Commands
Ethernet configuration commands configure the Ethernet and TCP/IP parameters for the Diamond Storage Array with an optional Ethernet management services card.
Specifies the speed of the Ethernet Network to which the Diamond Storage Array is connected. Choices are: [10100 Auto] where 10= 10 baseT, 100= 100 baseT
Default: auto
Set syntax: set EthernetSpeed [10 100 Auto]
Get syntax: get EthernetSpeed Requires a SaveConfiguration command Returns: [10 100 UNKNOWN]
If auto enabled, value in parentheses indicates current speed
Selecting DHCP allow the Diamond Storage Array to request an IP address from the network. It requires that the Diamond be attached to a network with at least one DHCP server. The network must have at least one DHCP server.
Default: disabled
Set syntax: set IPDHCP [enabled disabled]
Get syntax: get IPDHCP
Requires a SaveConfiguration command
Exits the current Ethernet telnet CLI session; it has no effect if used during a serial or
Immediate command: Exit
Specifies a password of up to 32 characters for an FTP session.
Default: diamond
Set syntax: set FTPPassword
Requires a SaveConfiguration Restart command
Specifies the IP Address of the Diamond Storage Array on the Ethernet network. If DHCP is enabled, the assigned address of the Diamond will be displayed. Setting this value always modifies the internal NVRAM value of the IP address.If IPDHCP is enabled (see below), get command reports current IP address assigned by DHCP server
Default IP Address:
Set syntax: set IPAddress xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Get syntax: get IPAddress
Requires a SaveConfiguration command
Specifies the IP Gateway for the Diamond Storage Array on the Ethernet network. If IPDHCP is enabled (see above), get command reports current IP gateway assigned by DHCP server. Must conform to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx standard network IP addressing.
Set syntax: set IPGateway xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Get syntax: get IPGateway
Requires a SaveConfiguration command
Specifies the IP Subnet Mask for the Diamond Storage Array on the Ethernet network. If DHCP is enabled, the assigned subnet mask for the unit will be displayed.
Setting this value always modifies the internal NVRAM value of the IP Subnet Mask.If IPDHCP is enabled (see above), get command reports current subnet mask assigned by DHCP server.
Set syntax: set IPSubnetMask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Get syntax: get IPSubnetMask Requires a SaveConfiguration command
Sets up IP trap address and trap level.
Set syntax: set SNMPTrapAddress
Requires a SaveConfiguration Restart command Get syntax: get SNMPTrapAddress
ATTO Technology Inc.