7.1 Virtual Tape
When the
Virtual Tape provides increased performance by reducing the time needed to backup and restore data. Virtual Tape volumes reside on Virtual Drives. The
The underlying storage used for Virtual Tape is specified using the QuickTape command.
The simplest way to set up Virtual Tape configurations is to use the ExpressNAV interface. See ATTO ExpressNAV:
If you use the CLI, the command QuickTape sets up Virtual Tapes using the following format:
set QuickTape [RAID5RAID10] [# tape volumes] [# tape drives] <enabled> <Barcode Prefix>
Hot Spares are not available for all Virtual Tape configurations. You must designate enabled to allow Hot Spare sleds or disabled to forgo Hot Spare sleds. Refer to and Optional Hot Spare Sled on page 50 for more information and examples.
You may specify the first four to six alpha- numeric characters of a tape bar code, used by
tape backup software. The remaining four characters will be entered by the system automatically to identify the tape number.
The maximum number of tape volumes and tape drives for RAID Level 5 is 30.
The maximum number of tape volumes and tape drives for RAID Level 10 is 15.
Configuration examples
RAID Level 10 with Hot Spare sleds
set QuickTape RAID10 15 1 enabled SaveConfiguration Restart
RAID Level 5 and no Hot Spare sled
set QuickTape RAID5 30 2
SaveConfiguration Restart
ATTO Technology Inc. Diamond Storage Array Installation and Operation Manual