What You’ll Find in This Book
What You’ll Find in This BookThis book gives you a quick introduction to the instrument. It is not intended
as a comprehensive guide, but rather as a starting point to start usin g the
instrument quickly. This book is divided into three sections:
Chapter 1 provides a description of the instrument and a quick tour of
the front panel in a descriptive format, with examples that
help to illustrate the text.
Chapter 2 provides several tutorials that show how to get up and
running, how to scale a waveform vertically or horizontally,
and how to use the Help menu.
Chapter 3 provides a few simple hints in case you are experiencing
difficulty in either getting the mainframe or plug-in module
to perform properly.
To best meet your learning needs, you can use this book in one of two ways:
1Read “A Quick Tour of the Front Panel” on pa ge 1-4 before performing the
2Go straight to the exercises. This method is for users who prefer to learn how
to use the front panel by experimenting with the front-panel controls.
If you are already familiar with the information in this book, you can refer to
the Agilent 83480A, Agilent 54750A User’s Guide, which shows you how to
use the instrument to make many common measurements. It assumes you
have already learned how to use the front panel of the instrument, by fir st
reading this quick start guide.
All calibration and repair information is contained in the optional
Agilent 83480A, Agilent 54750A Service Guide, while all programming
information is contained in the Agilent 83480A, Agilent 54750A Progr am-
mer’s Guide.