General Safety Considerations iiv
1 Introducing the Instrument
The Agilent 83480A, Agilent 54750A—At a Glance 1-2
A Quick Tour of the Front Panel 1-4
2 Operating the Instrument
Operating the Instrument 2-2
Equipment Used in These Exercises 2-3
Exercise 1. Installing a Plug-in Module 2-4
Exercise 2. Turning On the Instrument 2-5
Exercise 3. Connecting a Signal 2-6
Exercise 4. Finding the Signal 2-7
Exercise 5. Modifying the Setup 2-8
Exercise 6. Making Measurements on the Signal 2-13
Exercise 7. Using the Help Menu 2-17
3 In Case of Difficulty
In Case of Difficulty 3-2
If the Mainframe Does Not Operate 3-3
If the Plug-in Does Not Operate 3-4