In Case of Difficulty
If the Plug-in Does Not Operate
After viewing the signal, press triggered.
• Make sure Channel Display is on by pressing:
Channel, Display on off
• Make sure the channel offset is adjusted so the waveform is not clipped off
the display.
• If you are using the plug-in module only as a trigger source, make sure at
least one other channel is turned on.
If all of the channels are turned off, the mainframe will not trigger.
• Make sure the mainframe identifies the plug-in module by pressing:
Utility, System config...
The calibration status of the plug-in modules is listed near the bottom of the
display, in the box labeled "Plug-ins". If the model number of t he plug-in
module is listed next to the appropriate slot number, then th e mainframe
has identified the plug-in.
If "~known" is displayed, instead of the model number of the plug-in
module, remove and reinsert the plug-in module in the same slot. If
"~known" is still displayed, then the memory contents of the plug-in modu le
are corrupt. Refer to the service guide for the plug-in module or conta ct a
qualified service department. If all of the above steps check out okay, and
the plug-in module still does not operate properly, then the problem is
beyond the scope of this book. Refer to the plug- in module service guide or
return the plug-in to a qualified service department.