Operating the Instrument
Exercise 6. Making Measurements on the Signal
Notice the X and Y at the bottom of the display. The X value is the width
measurement, and the Y value is the amplitude measurement. The markers
allow you to make custom measurements on signals. Remember, they are not
tied directly to the waveform data stored in memory, they are just positions on
the display.
Making an automatic +width measurement
8To make an automatic +width measurement on channel 1, press:
Shift, +width, channel 1, Enter
The automatic measurement results are displayed at the bottom left of the
Making an automatic amplitude measurement
9To make an automatic amplitude measurement on channel 1, press:
Shift, V amptd, channel 1, Enter
The IEEE pulse parameter standards are used for all of the automatic measure-
ments, unless changes are made in the define measurement menu.
Automatic measurements are preferred because they are faster and more
repeatable than manual marker measurements. Automatic measurements use
the waveform data stored in memory for all calculations, and the waveform
data in memory has a higher resolution than the resolution of the display. The
manual markers are not tied to the waveform data in mem ory, they are just
positions on the display.
The automatic measurement results are placed on the display where the verti-
cal scale and offset values are normally displayed as shown in Figure 2-5.